Each user is known to the authentication API, and can exist in a number of persistent states:
E.g. on mac osx:
brew install mongodb
git clone https://github.com/ministryofjustice/devise_authentication_api.git
cd devise_authentication_api
bundle exec rake db:mongoid:create_indexes
bundle exec guard
Rails environment, for production
Or, development Rails environment
Or, test Rails environment
Email of initial admin user, an activation email will be sent to this address.
For test and development environments, set initial admin password.
Number of authentication tries before locking an account.
Unlock strategy defines which strategy will be used to unlock an account.
# email = Sends an unlock link to the user email
# time = Re-enables login after a certain amount of time (see UNLOCK_IN_SECS below)
# both = Enables both strategies
# none = No unlock strategy. You should handle unlocking by yourself via admin unlock action.
# defaults to none
Time interval in seconds to unlock the account, if unlock strategy is set to time
Sender email address for email 'from' field.
Base URL for links in emails.
Secret key base.
require 'securerandom'
If using SMTP for email, these environment variables are used in config/environment.rb
SMTP_DOMAIN=heroku.com # The domain to report in the HELO command. Optional
bundle exec rackup -p 9393
Note: API subject to change
POST [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users
# with JSON body:
{ "user": { "email": "joe.bloggs@example.com" } }
201 Created
# Confirmation email is sent to "joe.bloggs@example.com" containing URL with confirmation_token.
# If SITE_URL=http://url_of_client_service.com, then the confirmation URL in email looks like:
# if RAILS_ENV == 'test' then confirmation_token is included in response for test purposes
# e.g.
# {
# "email":"joe.bloggs@example.com",
# "confirmation_token_for_tests_only": "Pm2tbZfcwfD7B1jK_wzo"
# }
Failure due to invalid admin authentication_token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to invalid email:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"errors":{"email":["is invalid"]}}
Failure due to admin account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
POST [host]/users/activation/[confirmation_token]
# with JSON body:
{ "user": { "password": "s3kr!tpa55" } }
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid confirmation_token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to invalid password:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"errors":{"password":["is too short (minimum is 8 characters)"]}}
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
POST [host]/users
# with JSON body:
{ "user": { "email": "joe.bloggs@example.com", "password": "s3kr!tpa55"} }
201 Created
Failure due to invalid parameters:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"errors":{"email":["is invalid"],"password":["can't be blank"]}}
POST [host]/users/confirmation/[confirmation_token]
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid parameters:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
POST [host]/sessions
# with JSON body:
{ "user": { "email": "joe.bloggs@example.com", "password": "s3kr!tpa55"} }
201 Created
Failure due to invalid credential(s):
401 Unauthorized
{"error":"Invalid email or password."}
Failure after > MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS failed attempts results in locked account:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is locked."}
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
After > MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS failed attempts at signin due to incorrect password being supplied, user account is locked.
An unlock email is sent to the user with a URL containing an unlock_token.
If SITE_URL=http://url_of_client_service.com, then the unlock URL in email looks like:
To unlock via API
POST [host]/users/unlock/:unlock_token
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
GET [host]/users/[authentication_token]
200 OK
HTTP headers:
X-USER-ID: joe.bloggs@example.com
Failure due to invalid token:
401 Unauthorized
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
POST [host]/users/password
# with JSON body:
{ "user": { "email": "joe.bloggs@example.com" } }
# Reset email is sent to "joe.bloggs@example.com" containing URL with reset_token.
# If SITE_URL=http://url_of_client_service.com, then the reset URL in email looks like:
PATCH [host]/users/password/[reset_password_token]
# with JSON body:
{ "user": { "password": "n3w-s3kr!tpa55" } }
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid reset_token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to invalid password:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"errors":{"password":["is too short (minimum is 8 characters)"]}}
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
PATCH [host]/users/[authentication_token]
# with JSON body:
{ "user": { "password": "n3w-s3kr!tpa55" } }
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid authentication_token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to invalid password:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"errors":{"password":["is too short (minimum is 8 characters)"]}}
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
DELETE [host]/sessions/[token]
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid token:
401 Unauthorized
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
Failure due to user account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
POST [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users/confirm
with JSON body
{ "user": { "email":"joe.bloggs@example.com"}}
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid user:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"error":"No user found for email."}
Failure due to invalid token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to admin account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
GET [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users?email=[email]
200 OK
Failure due to invalid user:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"error":"no user found for email"}
Failure due to invalid token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to admin account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
POST [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users/unlock
with JSON body
{ "user": { "email":"joe.bloggs@example.com"}}
POST [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users/suspend
# with JSON body
{ "user": { "email":"joe.bloggs@example.com"}}
DELETE [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users/suspend
# with JSON body
{ "user": { "email":"joe.bloggs@example.com"}}
POST [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users/admin_user
# with JSON body
{ "user": { "email":"joe.bloggs@example.com"}}
DELETE [host]/admin/[admin_authentication_token]/users/admin_user
# with JSON body
{ "user": { "email":"joe.bloggs@example.com"}}
204 No Content
Failure due to invalid user:
422 Unprocessable Entity
{"error":"No user found for email."}
Failure due to invalid token:
401 Unauthorized
'{"error":"Invalid token."}'
Failure due to admin account suspended:
403 Forbidden
{"error":"Your account is suspended."}
An API to provide authenication functionality to a simple authentication layer. This 'layer' protects underlying APIs from unauthenticated access from user-facing applications, as shown below:
The authentication layer is intended to be a standalone reverse proxy. However, currently it is implemented as a ruby/rack middleware application and a PHP membrane application.