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Data Engineering Airflow

This repository defines all the infrastructure required to create:


To work with this repository, you must have the following installed:

You should also:

  1. Create a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
  2. Activate the environment:

    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


All infrastructure is defined in the infra directory:

  • defines config objects and global resources
  • defines the Airflow environment
  • defines Pulumi outputs
  • defines S3 infrastructure, including the bucket for MWAA and a requirements.txt file used to install Python dependencies within the Airflow environment
  • contains utility functions
  • defines the network infrastructure required to create an MWAA environment

The eks directory contains all infrastructure related to EKS and Kubernetes:

  • defines the cluster itself and a managed node group
  • defines the Cluster Autoscaler Helm chart
  • defines the Gatekeeper Helm chart and associated policies, the rego code for which are stored in the in the policies directory
  • defines the kube2iam Helm chart
  • defines a namespace on the cluster in which Airflow can run pods

The iam directory contains all infrastructure related to IAM:

  • defines a policy to allow access to the Airflow UI
  • defines the execution role for Airflow and the instance role used by nodes in the managed node group
  • defines the role policy for the execution role for Airflow

Node Groups

Each stack creates two node groups:

  • standard
  • high-memory


Nodes in the standard node group are unlabeled and do not have any taints. They should be used by all workloads, except those that are memory intensive. Pods will be scheduled on standard nodes unless:

  • they have tolerations that match the taints of another node group
  • they have a node selector that matches the labels of another node group


Nodes in the high-memory node group run on memory-optimised EC2 instances. This node group should only be used for workloads that are memory intensive.

For a pod to be scheduled on a node in the high-memory node group, it must have the following tolerations:

  - key: "high-memory"
    operator: "Equal"
    value: "true"
    effect: "NoSchedule"

It must also have the following node affinity:

        - matchExpressions:
            - key: "high-memory"
              operator: "In"
                - "true"


How to manually deploy or update an environment

To deploy or update an environment:

  1. Create an AWS Vault session with the restricted-admin@data-engineering role:

    aws-vault exec -d 12h restricted-admin@data-engineering
  2. Select the relevant stack, for example, dev:

    pulumi stack select dev
  3. Update the stack:

    pulumi up --refresh

    If you get an error message during the update, try to run the update again before debugging.

This will correctly update the kyverno settings for the current environment. The github action will do this automatically on each PR merge.

How to upgrade the Kubernetes version

For all available Kubernetes versions, see the Amazon EKS documentation.

To upgrade the Kubernetes version, change the value of the eks.cluster.kubernetes_version field in the relevant Pulumi stack config.

When upgrading the Kubernetes version you should also upgrade the node group AMI release version.

How to upgrade the node group AMI release version

For all available AMI release versions, see the Amazon EKS documentation.

To upgrade the AMI release version, change the value of the eks.cluster.node_group.ami_release_version field in the relevant Pulumi stack config.

The AMI release version should match the Kubernetes version. For example, if the Kubernetes version is 1.20, you should specify an AMI release version with the tag 1.20.*-*.

How to upgrade the VPC CNI version

For all available VPC CNI versions see the GitHub releases.

To upgrade the VPC CNI version, change the value of the eks.cluster.vpc_cni_version field in the relevant Pulumi stack config.

How to upgrade the cluster autoscaler version

For all available chart versions, run:

helm repo add autoscaler
helm search repo autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler --versions

To upgrade the cluster autoscaler version, change the value of the eks.cluster_autoscaler.chart_version field in the relevant Pulumi stack config.

How to upgrade the Gatekeeper version

For all available chart versions, run:

helm repo add gatekeeper
helm search repo gatekeeper/gatekeeper --versions

To upgrade the Gatekeeper version, change the value of the eks.gatekeeper.chart_version field in the relevant Pulumi stack config.

How to upgrade the kube2iam version

For all available chart versions, run:

helm repo add kube2iam
helm search repo kube2iam/kube2iam --versions

To upgrade the kube2iam version, change the value of the eks.kube2iam.chart_version field in the relevant Pulumi stack config.

How to run tests

To run tests manually, run:

python -m pytest tests/

How to attach Airflow UI access policy to user roles

The Airflow UI access policy is automatically attached to all new users of the Analytical Platform via the Control Panel, so you should not normally need to run this script.

To manually attach the policy to all users, assume the restricted admin role in the data account and run:

python scripts/

How to lint/format

We use to lint and format:

  • To lint/format locally run docker run -v $(pwd)":/tmp/lint:rw" oxsecurity/megalinter-python:v6. The local Megalinter is configured to lint and format changed files with respect to main. It also disables Actionlint because of a bug.

  • To lint/format using CI use the github action /.github/workflows/mega-linter.yaml. The CI Megalinter is configured to lint changed files only with respect to main.

  • You may wish to install megalinter locally instead of using docker npm install mega-linter-runner -g. In that case you can run the megalinter using simply mega-linter-runner

  • To apply/modify linting configurations save configuration files to /.github/linters.


This repo comes with some githooks to make standard checks before you commit files to Github. See Githooks for more details.

Email Notifications

We use Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) for email notifications.

We use as the "from" email address. This email address has been added as a verified identity to the data account without assigning a default configuration set. See verify-email-addresses-procedure for more details.


Tags set on a managed node group are not automatically propagated to the provisioned autoscaling group and consquently are not applied to EC2 instances created by the autoscaling group.

To work around this, tags must be added to the autoscaling group provisioned by the managed node group independently of the creation of the managed node group itself.

This could lead to a situation where untagged EC2 instances are created between the time at which the managed node group (and autoscaling group) are created and the tags are added to the autoscaling group.

When creating a stack from new, you might need to run pulumi up multiple times because Pulumi is unable to detect that resources were successfully created. Simply ignore the error message and try to pulumi up again. You might also need to refresh the pulumi stack. Only debug if the pulumi up fails again with the same error message. Hence it is better to pulumi up locally first, and use the pulumi up GitHub Action as a confirmation that the change has been completed.

When creating a stack from new, the Transit Gateway (TGW) attachment status will show as "Pending Acceptance" and Pulumi will fail to create the routes to the TGW. You will need to request the DSO team to accept the TGW attachment. Once the state changes to "Available", you can run pulumi up again to create the routes to the TGW.



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