Minibot is a IRC bot employed by the Minishift team to work on the #minishift channel on
Minibot drives the daily stand-ups of the Minishift team on #minishift on For this it utilizes the hubot-standup plugin.
In order to add and remove users to the stand-up hubot-auth is used.
To add a user to the stand-ups:
minibot <user> has a minishift member role
To remove a user from the stand-ups:
minibot <user> doesn’t have a minishift member role
To list the roles of a user:
minibot what roles does <user> have
The archaeologist is a role within the Minishift time who has the task to groom long standing issues.
The role rotates amongst the core devs of the Minishift team and usually is held for a week (number of days are configurable via MINIBO_ARCHAEOLOGIST_DAYS
Minibot offers several commands to aid keeping track of the current archaeologist.
Per default the current archaeologist is called out after a stand-up.
However, there are also several commands to explicitly manage the archaeologist role.
Add a user to the list of archaeologists:
minibot <user> has an archaeologist member role
To remove a user from the list of archaeologists:
minibot <user> doesn’t an archaeologist member role
To print the current archaeologist:
minibot who is archaeologist
To skip to the next archaeologist:
minibot archaeologist next
For all supported commands
minibot archaeologist?
Sprint backlogs in comma separated format can be added to Minibot brain via a webhook:
$ curl -X POST http://<IP>:9009/hubot/sprint -d sprint=134 -d data="$(cat sprint-134.csv)"
Once uploaded the backlog can be printed via the Minibot command:
minibot print sprint <id>
An issue can be marked as completed by:
minibot mark issue <issue-id> of sprint <sprint-id> completed
To see which sprints Minibot knows about:
minibot list known sprints
You can ask for the latest master build artifacts built by CentOS CI:
minibot latest master artifacts
Or you can ask for pull request artifacts:
minibot artifacts for pr <pr-id>
At the moment Travis CI, AppVeyor and Circle CI send notifications to Minibot. The required webhooks are configured in .travis.yml, appveyor.yml resp. circle.yml in the Minishift repository.
Other than that the following hubot scripts are installed:
In order to develop on Minibot you need to set the environment variables MINIBOT_REDIS_URL
$ make build
$ make run
The testdata directory contains some sample JSON payload files to test the Minibot webhook integration. To test a webhook, execute the following against your local instance of Minibot:
$ cd testdata
$ curl http://<IP>:9009/hubot/travis-ci --data-urlencode payload@travis-ci.json
# or
$ curl http://<IP>:9009/hubot/circleci -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @circleci.json
# or
$ curl http://<IP>:9009/hubot/appveyor -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @appveyor.json
- <IP> is the IP of your Docker daemon
To test the CentOS CI release webhook, execute:
$ curl http://<IP>:9009/hubot/centosci -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"payload":{"status":"success","message":"Minishift v1.0.0 successfully released by","url":""}}'