Jinja2 extensions to support the main django tags on wagtail. This won't make wagtail use jinja as a template backend (cms admin) but allow you to use jinja in your CMS pages.
pip install wagtail-jinja2
Example of settings.py:
# Wagtail is still using django template as to 1.1
JINJA_EXCLUDE_REGEX = r'^(?!{}/).*'.format(
'BACKEND': 'django_jinja.backend.Jinja2',
'APP_DIRS': True,
'DIRS': (os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'templates'), ),
'NAME': 'jinja2',
'environment': 'config.jinja.Environment',
'extensions': [
'match_extension': None,
'trim_blocks': True,
'lstrip_blocks': True,
'match_regex': JINJA_EXCLUDE_REGEX,
'context_processors': (
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': (os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'templates'), ),
'NAME': 'django',
'context_processors': (
'loaders': (
('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', (
{% wagtailuserbar %}
<h1>An image</h1>
{% image page.image "width-720" %} <!-- Note that the filter_spec has to be between quotes -->
<h1>A div with a background image</h1>
{% image page.image "width-1440" as background_image %}
<div style="background-image: url({{ background_image.url }});"></div>
The only approach I could think of for now is to create a render_html global_function (we are using django_jinja).
In myapp.templatetags.jinja_tags.py
from jinja2 import Markup
from django_jinja import library
def render_html(html):
return jinja2.Markup(html)
In your template:
<p>{{ render_html(page.body) }}</p>
In myapp.templatetags.jinja_tags.py
def render_stream_child(context, stream_child):
# Use the django_jinja to get the template content based on its name
template = get_template(stream_child.block.meta.template)
# Create a new context based on the current one as we can't edit it directly
new_context = context.get_all()
# Add the value on the context (value is the keyword chosen by wagtail for the blocks context)
new_context['value'] = stream_child.value
# Render the template with the context
html = template.render(context=new_context)
# Return the rendered template as safe html
return jinja2.Markup(html)
In your template:
{% for stream_child in page.body %} {# body is a StreamField #}
{{ render_stream_child(stream_child) }}
{% endfor %}