Powerful AJAX-based search alternative which supports faceting queries by taxonomies, terms, and post meta data.
WP Ultimate Search: a highly customizable WordPress search alternative with the ability to autocomplete faceted search queries.
- Searches post title and body content
- Can search by multiple keywords, and by full phrases
- Highlights search terms in results
- Option to send search queries as events to your Google Analytics account
- Facets by post category
- Can search in multiple categories (OR or AND search)
- Category options are dynamically generated and autocompleted as you type
- Attractive and lightweight interface based on jQuery, Backbone.js, and the VisualSearch.js library
- Customizable results template using standard WordPress functions
- Search through an unlimited number of user-specified taxonomies and meta fields (including data contained in Advanced Custom Fields).
- Conduct radius searches against data stored in the ACF Map field (i.e. search for posts within x km of a user-specified location).
- Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Add a shortcode to a post, use the template tag in your theme, or use the sidebar widget.
For additional information, visit our website
- Added all premium "Pro" features into free version, removed license activation
- Added Spanish translation thanks to Andrew Kurtis andrewk@webhostinghub.com
- Added Russian translation thanks to Andrijana Nikolic andrijanan@webhostinggeeks.com
- Fixed missing argument bug in widget
- Added built in custom results templates (post with thumbnail, title only, thumbnail only)
- Added ability to override default settings via shortcode / template tag
- Added support for ACF date field
- Added support for ACF true/false field
- Fixed bug with AND logic and hierarchical taxonomies
- Fixed cursor not appearing on initial search bar focus in Square style
- Fixed bug where clicking on placeholder text would prevent search
- Changed "include" and "exclude" fields to require term IDs instead of names
- Continuing style refinements
- Added cancel button next to facets in single facet mode
- Dropdown menu no longer appears in wrong location when facets are deleted
- "AND" logic now works correctly again
- Fixed bug where meta field options wouldn't display properly
- Fixed bug caused by using Single Facet Mode with a metadata facet
- Values will no longer appear in dropdown if they're already in use in the search bar
- Fixed shortcode outputting contents at top of page
- Value dropdown will no longer appear when navigating to results page via permalink
- Added ability to search for posts by user
- Added ability to confine all searches to a single facet
- Added ability to only allow facets to be used once
- Added option to disable permalink generation
- Refactored database query for faster response times
- Fixed bug where multiple parameters wouldn't be received from permalinks
- Fixed bug where URL wouldn't reset when 'clear search' was clicked
- Fixed broken "results page" dropdown
- Misc. style fixes and normalizing
- Fixed bug with text searches
- Updated visualsearch.js to latest version
- Can now specify remainder preface for text queries
- Settings will now be set to defaults on first install
- Fixed extra history state being added when navigating to results page from widget
- Moved screenshots to /assets/ folder
- Fixed bug that prevented radius searches from working properly
- Fixed bug that broke in-page anchors on some sites
- Misc. bugfixes
- Updated options framework to work with new admin styles
- Simplified pro upgrade process
- Fixed typo in installation instructions
- Fixed bug caused by ampersands in permalinks
- Fixed PHP notices on multisite installations
- Fixed PHP warnings
- Added radius search capability based on ACF Map field
- Added ability to confine taxonomy searches to given terms
- Added ability to exclude specific post types from results
- Added ability to search for addresses stored with an ACF Map field
- Added ability to disable autocomplete per facet
- Fixed bug where spaces in facet names would break permalinks
- Fixed bug where permalinks weren't updated when last facet was removed
- Fixed bug where lowercase terms would appear after capitalized ones
- Fixed bug where pressing backspace would sometimes cause the browser to navigate back
- Fixed bugs that sometimes prevented premium upgrade
- Added the ability to search for posts based on their ACF checkboxes
- Added support for ACF comboxboxes
- Upgraded to EDD for licensing and upgrade
- Added settings to plugin action links
- Misc. bugfixes to 1.2
- Added an alternative square search bar style
- Added option to disable built-in taxonomies and revert to a plain text search
- Added option to restrict script loading to only pages with search bar
- Improved iOS support
- Fixed bug where tag search wouldn't work for some users
- Fixed "clear search" icon not clearing results
- Fixed wpdb->prepare() notice appearing in WP 3.6
- Fixed dropdown items appearing outside of search bar when a term was deleted
- Added browser navigation history when moving from widget to results page
- Minified visualsearch.js script
- Added support for special characters in facet values
- Fixed permalinked searches rendering spaces as underscores
- Fixed bug that would cause the "no results" message to not show
- Removed iOS/Safari warning message. Update to Safari has fixed the bug.
- Added Clear Search Results button option
- Added option to disable the facet options popping up on first focus
- Added option for placeholder text in the search bar
- Fixed bug where search results page wouldn't load on sites without pretty permalinks
- Added option to disable search results highlighting
- DB queries updated to support Wordpress 3.6
- Misc. style refinements and bugfixes
- Updates to premium upgrade process
- Removed premium 'teasers' from options page to comply with repository guidelines
WARNING: If you encounter any problems with this update, check the "Reset options" box and hit Save Changes to restore initial settings.
- Increased load times
- Silenced PHP notices when wp_debug was turned on
- Fixed bug that prevented option saving with some database configurations
- Bugfix release:
- Minified spin.js
- Moved result highlighting out of php (buggy) and into JS
- Fixed bug where warnings would be issued on sites with no eligible meta fields
- Removed debugging function in visualsearch.js that occasionally caused conflicts with other scripts
- Updated visualsearch.js to v0.4.0
- Added default styling to search bar so bar will be displayed before scripts have loaded
- Option to replace WordPress default search
- Ability to search in custom taxonomies (with upgrade)
- Ability to search in post meta fields (with upgrade)
- Searches now generate permalinks
- Supports user-created search results templates
- Many more tweaks and optimizations
- Can search post tags
- Optimized database interaction
- Added options page
- Ability to search within shortcodes
- Google Analytics integration
- Can search by multiple categories (OR)
- Option to put scripts in header or footer
- Will throw an error if search results shortcode isn't present on page
- Loading animations
- Fixed bug where widget wouldn't display on home page
- Misc. performance tweaks
- First public release