I'm Milton! Welcome to my GH profile. I invited you to view my last collaborations and projects at the user activity section .
I have a windows file organizer, you can use it to sort your files on windows.
You can click the icon to view my Bento if you want to connet with me. You can find me as miltonials in social networks. Or if you prefer click the following icons to be redirected to each social network.
If you want to contact me more formally you can write an email to miltonialsmail@gmail.com
I have experience developing websites with:
- .NET Core, C#, Bootstrap and blazor -
- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and for some projects I have used NodeJS too -
For smartphones I have experience developing java aplications for Android.
I have used C, C++, Python, R in different projects that you can find in the repository tab.
For all of these projects I have used Firebase, MSSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle DB and PostgreSQL to store information.
You can sponsor me or donating using . I'm a Brave creator so if you use brave you can donate from your browser.