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This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 30, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Search GitHub for users by location.


Thank you!

A big thank you to WikiSuite (and Marc Laporte) for their financial support of the RoLLodeQc relaunch. It would never have happened without them!


GNU/Linux / Unix-like OS

This might work on MacOS and Microsoft Windows but I haven't tested it. Let me know!


You'll need Node.js. The quickest way to install it for your local user is the n-install bash script.

git and curl are required for n-install.

$ curl -L | bash

This will install the latest LTS, which is 8.11.3 at the time of this writing.

You should restart your shell before using node and npm but first, setup your GitHub token so you only have to restart once.

GitHub account and token

You'll need a GitHub account and a token. GitHub provides some help on personal access token creation.

You can generate a new token and set it in your environment variables with the name GITHUB_TOKEN to configure ghraphql.

If your token is "The-Token", you can try the following:

$ GITHUB_TOKEN=The-Token ghraphql Montréal

Better to set it up properly in your .bashrc file or equivalent. You should now restart your shell for the changes to take effect.


Note that you don't need to install this separately if you're using the related gatsby starter since it will be installed automatically as a dependency.

$ npm install -g ghraphql

This will install the ghraphql command line client globally.


$ ghraphql <location> [<location> ...]


--readme                Show readme
--verbose           -v  Verbose mode
--config                Specify config file
--before            -b  Before date, 2018-06-21 or 2018-07-21T10:40:40Z
--pretty            -p  Pretty output
--output            -o  Output to file
--sparks            -s  Fetch contributions and generate week-based sparkline data
--colors            -c  Fetch GitHub language colors
--last-repos        -r  Include these last repositories contributed to (50)
--query             -q  Query to run


$ ghraphql Montréal
// searches for montreal and montréal

$ ghraphql Montréal "saint jean"
// searches for montreal, montréal and "saint jean"

$ ghraphql --colors --pretty
// outputs a JSON of the GitHub language colors


  • Use your own GraphQL queries on GitHub
  • Automatically search for "montreal" too when given "montréal"
  • JSON output


See GitHub's GraphQL explorer to get an idea of the data available.

Use CTRL-SPACE to trigger autocompletion and discover supported fields and types.

See also

Mostly useful with gatsby-starter-location-github.


AGPL-v3 2018 © Robin Millette