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Natour is a fictional company designed basically for learning purpose. It's a follow along course taught by Jonas Schmedtmann where advanced CSS concepts are demonstrated in detail. In this course, I have learnt a lots techniques which I am very proud of, example of which includes:
- Installing node-sass module, and npm package
- How to setup package.json and write script to automatically compile scss file to css file
- BEM CSS pattern for easy selector nesting in scss file
- CSS variables
- Proper organization of sass files using partials
- How to architect and build a simple grid system;
- How the attribute selector works;
- How the :not pseudo-class works;
- How calc() works, and what's the difference between calc() and simple Sass operations
- Coded our own grid system
- How to use the background-clip property
- Transforming multiple properties simultaneously;
- How to use the outline-offset property together with outline
- Styling elements that are NOT hovered while others are.
- How to use perspective in CSS
- How to use the backface-visibility property
- Using background blend modes
- How and when to use box-decoration-break;
- How to make text flow around shapes with
- How to apply a filter to images
- How to create a background video covering an entire section;
- How to use the
HTML element - How and when to use the
property - How to implement "solid-color gradients"
- How the general and adjacent sibling selectors work and why it's needed
- How to use the
pseudo-element - How and when to use the
:focus, :invalid, placeholder-shown
pseudo-classes - Techniques to build custom radio buttons.
- Implemented a "checkbox hack"
- Created custom animation timing functions using cubic bezier curves;
- How to animate "solid-color gradients"
- How and why to use
- How to use the
attribute on the<img>
elements, together with density descriptors; - How and why to use the
element for art direction; - How to write media queries in HTML
- Working with responsive images: serve the right image to the right screen size and device, in order to avoid downloading unnecessary large images on smaller screens.
- CSS3
- Google fonts
To get a local copy of the repository please run the following commands on your terminal:
$ cd FolderName
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm run watch:sass
The last command compiles the sass file and update's style.css when you hit save button
- Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More! by Jonas Schmedtmann See course link in Udemy