A game based on Shazam's principe - guessing the song by singing, humming or lyrics.
This project is the challenge task for Int20h2020 hackathon made on React and NodeJS using audd.io and Deezer api.
You can find it on the web page (using Heroku).
Install NodeJS from the official website, if you don't have one.
Clone this repository on your PC using:
Navigate to your project directory and install the dependencies:
Now you are ready to run the application! Type
and it will start the development server on your PC. Open http://localhost:3000 to view app in the browser.
After opening the app, press "New game" button (in the header) to start a new game. You can see your and PC's scores in the header.
Then you can press the microphone button to start recording the song (press again to stop recording). After the song was recorded, you can press "Song" or "Humming" buttons to start guessing. Or, you can enter lyrics in the text field and press "Submit" button.
If the app couldn't recognize your song, you'll see the window with error. Otherwise, you'll see the window asking you whether PC is right or wrong.
At the end of the game, you'll see the window with the winner, right answer and the songs offered.
This app was created by MEM team: Michael Postnikov (@mikharkiv), Kyryl Turina (@chddr) and Vadim Nakytnyak (@brtvsk). Hope you enjoyed it!