Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
The protocol buffers code:
This repository contains Java Protocol Buffers Nano compiler plugin and runtime library. Google published the Java Nano code for a short time, then stoped supporting it, and removed the code. The repository contains that code, made compile again. It consists of the two following components.
Should be build with Maven. To generate .jar file, cd into "javanano" and run:
$ mvn package
To Install it into your Maven repository:
$ mvn install
See the javanano README for more details.
Allows compiling the the .proto file into Java nano. To build, run:
$ bazel build ...
You would need to install Bazel, see for more details.
The resulting binary will be:
Place it into a directory included in your PATH, and run:
protoc --javanano_out=<dir> <NormalProtoParams>
Note, this compiles against a specific protoc version: not sure if it'll work well with a different protoc. See the WORKSPACE file for that version.