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[luscious] use GraphQL
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mikf committed Oct 22, 2019
1 parent ef17d94 commit b23c822
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Showing 4 changed files with 131 additions and 142 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/supportedsites.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Komikcast Chapters, Manga
Konachan Pools, Popular Images, Posts, Tag-Searches
LINE BLOG Blogs, Posts
livedoor Blog Blogs, Posts
Luscious Albums, Search Results Optional
Luscious Albums, Search Results
Manga Fox Chapters
Manga Here Chapters, Manga
Manga Stream Chapters
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269 changes: 130 additions & 139 deletions gallery_dl/extractor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,75 +6,62 @@
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.

"""Extractors for"""
"""Extractors for"""

from .common import GalleryExtractor, Extractor, Message
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text, exception
from ..cache import cache

class LusciousBase(Extractor):
class LusciousExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for luscious extractors"""
category = "luscious"
cookiedomain = ""
root = ""

def login(self):
"""Login and set necessary cookies"""
username, password = self._get_auth_info()
if username:
self._update_cookies(self._login_impl(username, password))

@cache(maxage=14*24*3600, keyarg=1)
def _login_impl(self, username, password):"Logging in as %s", username)
url = ""
headers = {"Referer": ""}
def _graphql(self, op, variables, query):
data = {
"login": username,
"password": password,
"remember": "on",
"next": "/",
"id": 1,
"operationName": op,
"query": query,
"variables": variables,
response = self.request(
"{}/graphql/nobatch/?operationName={}".format(self.root, op),
method="POST", json=data, fatal=False,

response = self.request(url, method="POST", headers=headers, data=data)
if "/accounts/login/" in response.url or not response.history:
raise exception.AuthenticationError()
for cookie in response.history[0].cookies:
return { cookie.value}
raise exception.AuthenticationError()
if response.status_code >= 400:
self.log.error("GraphQL query failed ('%s %s')",
response.status_code, response.reason)
self.log.debug("Server response: %s", response.text)
raise exception.StopExtraction()

def _parse_tags(tags):
return [
text.unescape(tag.replace(":_", ":"))
for tag in text.extract_iter(tags or "", "/tags/", "/")
return response.json()["data"]

class LusciousAlbumExtractor(LusciousBase, GalleryExtractor):
class LusciousAlbumExtractor(LusciousExtractor):
"""Extractor for image albums from"""
subcategory = "album"
archive_fmt = "{gallery_id}_{image_id}"
filename_fmt = "{category}_{album[id]}_{num:>03}.{extension}"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{album[id]} {album[title]}")
archive_fmt = "{album[id]}_{id}"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.|members\.)?luscious\.net"
test = (
("", {
"url": "7e4984a271a1072ac6483e4228a045895aff86f3",
"keyword": "07c0b915f2ab1cc3bbf28b76e7950fccee1213f3",
# "keyword": "07c0b915f2ab1cc3bbf28b76e7950fccee1213f3",
"content": "b3a747a6464509440bd0ff6d1267e6959f8d6ff3",
("", {
"url": "21cc68a7548f4d71dfd67d8caf96349dde7e791c",
"keyword": "e1202078b504adeccd521aa932f456a5a85479a0",
# "keyword": "e1202078b504adeccd521aa932f456a5a85479a0",
("", {
"exception": exception.NotFoundError,
("", {
"options": (("username", None),),
"exception": exception.HttpError,
"count": 78,
Expand All @@ -83,126 +70,130 @@ class LusciousAlbumExtractor(LusciousBase, GalleryExtractor):

def __init__(self, match):
path, self.gallery_id = match.groups()
url = "{}/albums/{}/".format(self.root, path)
GalleryExtractor.__init__(self, match, url)
LusciousExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.album_id =

def metadata(self, page):
title, pos = text.extract(page, '"og:title" content="', '"')

if title is None:
msg = text.extract(page, '<div class="content">', '</div>', pos)[0]
if msg:
raise exception.AuthorizationError(msg)
def items(self):
album = self.metadata()
yield Message.Version, 1
yield Message.Directory, {"album": album}
for num, image in enumerate(self.images(), 1):
image["num"] = num
image["album"] = album
url = image["url_to_video"] or image["url_to_original"]
yield Message.Url, url, text.nameext_from_url(url, image)

def metadata(self):
variables = {
"id": self.album_id,
query = (
"query AlbumGet($id: ID!) { album { get(id: $id) { ... on Album { "
"...AlbumStandard } ... on MutationError { errors { code message }"
" } } } } fragment AlbumStandard on Album { __typename id title la"
"bels description created modified like_status number_of_favorites"
" rating status marked_for_deletion marked_for_processing number_o"
"f_pictures number_of_animated_pictures slug is_manga url download"
"_url permissions cover { width height size url } created_by { id "
"name display_name user_title name display_name avatar { url size "
"} url } content { id title url } language { id title url } tags {"
" id category slug text url count } genres { id title slug url } a"
"udiences { id title url url } last_viewed_picture { id position u"
"rl } }"

data = self._graphql("AlbumGet", variables, query)["album"]["get"]
if "errors" in data:
raise exception.NotFoundError("album")

info , pos = text.extract(page, '<li class="user_info">', "", pos)
if info is None:
count, pos = text.extract(page, '>Pages:', '<', pos)
count, pos = text.extract(page, '<p>', ' ', pos)
genre, pos = text.extract(page, '<p>Genre:', '</p>', pos)
adnce, pos = text.extract(page, '<p>Audience:', '</p>', pos)
tags , pos = text.extract(page, '"tag_list static">', '</ol>', pos)

return {
"gallery_id": text.parse_int(self.gallery_id),
"title" : text.unescape(title or ""),
"count" : text.parse_int(count),
"genre" : text.remove_html(genre),
"audience" : text.remove_html(adnce),
"tags" : self._parse_tags(tags),
return data

def images(self):
variables = {
"input": {
"filters": [{
"name" : "album_id",
"value": self.album_id,
"display": "position",
"page" : 1,
query = (
"query AlbumListOwnPictures($input: PictureListInput!) { picture {"
" list(input: $input) { info { ...FacetCollectionInfo } items { .."
".PictureStandardWithoutAlbum } } } } fragment FacetCollectionInfo"
" on FacetCollectionInfo { page has_next_page has_previous_page to"
"tal_items total_pages items_per_page url_complete url_filters_onl"
"y } fragment PictureStandardWithoutAlbum on Picture { __typename "
"id title created like_status number_of_comments number_of_favorit"
"es status width height resolution aspect_ratio url_to_original ur"
"l_to_video is_animated position tags { id category slug text url "
"} permissions url thumbnails { width height size url } }"

def images(self, page):
extr = text.extract

url = "{}/pictures/album/x_{}/sorted/old/page/1/".format(
self.root, self.gallery_id)
page = self.request(url).text
pos = page.find('<div id="picture_page_')
url = extr(page, '<a href="', '"', pos)[0]
iurl = None

while url and not url.endswith("/more_like_this/"):
page = self.request(self.root + url).text

if not iurl: # first loop iteraton
current = extr(page, '"pj_current_page" value="', '"')[0]
if current and current != "1":
url = "{}/albums/{}/jump_to_page/1/".format(
self.root, self.gallery_id)
page = self.request(url, method="POST").text

iid , pos = extr(url , '/id/', '/')
url , pos = extr(page, '<link rel="next" href="', '"')
name, pos = extr(page, '<h1 id="picture_title">', '</h1>', pos)
_ , pos = extr(page, '<ul class="image_option_icons">', '', pos)
iurl, pos = extr(page, '<li><a href="', '"', pos+100)

if iurl[0] == "/":
iurl = text.urljoin(self.root, iurl)
while True:
data = self._graphql("AlbumListOwnPictures", variables, query)
yield from data["picture"]["list"]["items"]

yield iurl, {
"name": name,
"image_id": text.parse_int(iid),
if not data["picture"]["list"]["info"]["has_next_page"]:
variables["input"]["page"] += 1

class LusciousSearchExtractor(LusciousBase, Extractor):
class LusciousSearchExtractor(LusciousExtractor):
"""Extractor for album searches on"""
subcategory = "search"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.|members\.)?luscious\.net"
test = (
"/content_id/2/tagged/+full_color/page/1/", {
"?display=date_newest&language_ids=%2B1&tagged=+full_color&page=1", {
"pattern": LusciousAlbumExtractor.pattern,
"range": "20-40",
"count": 21,
"range": "41-60",
"count": 20,

def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.path ="/page/")[0]
if not self.path.startswith("albums/"):
self.path = "albums/sorted/updated/album_type/" + self.path
LusciousExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.query =

def items(self):
yield Message.Version, 1
for album in self.albums():
url, data = self.parse_album(album)
yield Message.Queue, url, data
query = text.parse_query(self.query)
display = query.pop("display", "date_newest")
page = query.pop("page", None)

variables = {
"input": {
"display": display,
"filters": [{"name": n, "value": v} for n, v in query.items()],
"page": text.parse_int(page, 1),
query = (
"query AlbumListWithPeek($input: AlbumListInput!) { album { list(i"
"nput: $input) { info { ...FacetCollectionInfo } items { ...AlbumM"
"inimal peek_thumbnails { width height size url } } } } } fragment"
" FacetCollectionInfo on FacetCollectionInfo { page has_next_page "
"has_previous_page total_items total_pages items_per_page url_comp"
"lete url_filters_only } fragment AlbumMinimal on Album { __typena"
"me id title labels description created modified number_of_favorit"
"es number_of_pictures slug is_manga url download_url cover { widt"
"h height size url } content { id title url } language { id title "
"url } tags { id category slug text url count } genres { id title "
"slug url } audiences { id title url } }"

def albums(self, pnum=1):
yield Message.Version, 1
while True:
url = "{}/{}/page/{}/.json/".format(self.root, self.path, pnum)
data = self.request(url).json()
data = self._graphql("AlbumListWithPeek", variables, query)

yield from text.extract_iter(
data["html"], "<figcaption>", "</figcaption>")
for album in data["album"]["list"]["items"]:
album["url"] = self.root + album["url"]
album["_extractor"] = LusciousAlbumExtractor
yield Message.Queue, album["url"], album

if data["paginator_complete"]:
if not data["album"]["list"]["info"]["has_next_page"]:
pnum += 1

def parse_album(self, album):
url , pos = text.extract(album, 'href="', '"')
title, pos = text.extract(album, ">", "<", pos)
count, pos = text.extract(album, "# of pictures:", "<", pos)
date , pos = text.extract(album, "Updated:&nbsp;", "<", pos)
desc , pos = text.extract(album, "class='desc'>", "<", pos)
tags , pos = text.extract(album, "<ol ", "</ol>", pos)

return text.urljoin(self.root, url), {
"title": text.unescape(title or ""),
"description": text.unescape(desc or ""),
"gallery_id": text.parse_int(url.rpartition("_")[2].rstrip("/")),
"count": text.parse_int(count),
"date": date,
"tags": self._parse_tags(tags),
"_extractor": LusciousAlbumExtractor,
variables["input"]["page"] += 1
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion scripts/
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Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
"imgbb" : "Optional",
"instagram" : "Optional",
"imgur" : "Optional",
"luscious" : "Optional",
"mangoxo" : "Optional",
"nijie" : "Required",
"pixiv" : "Required",
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@

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