You will need couchdb to make it run:
apt-get install couchdb
The first time you push the couch, the coconut db will be created for you. You can also create a new database using futon, the handy couchdb GUI by clicking here: futon on localhost, or by running this curl command:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/coconut
To get Coconut working you need to put the files in this directory into a couchdb database. You can accomplish this by using the couchapp tool.
apt-get install couchapp
Create a .couchapprc file based on .couchapprc.sample. Then we can use couchapp to push the files into your database:
couchapp push
Now you can point your browser at the Coconut
CouchDB, Backbone.js, backbone-couchdb, json, fermented eyebrow sweat, fairy dust.
All of the backbone models and views have their own file and are in app/models and app/views respectively. app/app.js is responsible for tying it all together.
You can put json forms into the _docs directory and they will be added to your couch when you do a couchapp push.
app.js constructs the Backbone.Router. List the routes in the routes method:
routes: {
"home": "home", // #home
"newPatient": "newPatient", // #newPatient
"arrestDocket": "arrestDocket", // #arrestDocket
"*actions": "defaultRoute" // matches
and create a method for each route:
newPatient: function () {
registration = new Form({_id: "PatientRegistration"});
success: function(model){
(new FormView({model: model})).render();
It's a pain to run 'couchapp push' everytime you make a change. Mike wrote a little watchr script that watches for changes to any relevant files and then automatically pushes them into your couch. To get it you need to install rubygems and watchr:
apt-get install rubygems
gem install watchr
Check out the project's issues. Please help me fix issues and add any problem that you come across.