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As many of you are aware. Plum has been out of business for a while now. Many people (including myself) have experienced hardware issues with the lightpads (dimmer flickering, dead microSD cards, wifi drops, etc), as well as software issues provisioning or reconfiguring new or existing lightpads. I've removed all of my plum lightpads from my home (18 units!) and replaced them with Lutron Caseta. I'd encourage you all to do the same. No further support will be provided for any of this code.


This is an OpenHAB binding for the Plum LightPad. It has been developed and tested for OpenHAB 1.8, as well as OpenHAB 2.0 with the 1.x compatibility layer.
You will need to use it in combination with my script to retrieve certain tokens and IDs:
This binding interacts with the LightPads locally over HTTP, and thus may be broken by firmware updates, IP address reallocation, or configuration changes. It is strongly recommended that you make static DHCP allocations for all of your lightpads to avoid IP address changes.

Binding JAR:
FOR OPENHAB 1.8.X: target/org.openhab.binding.plum-1.8.2-OPENHAB_1_8_X.jar
FOR OPENHAB 2.0: target/org.openhab.binding.plum-1.11.0-OPENHAB_2_0.jar

Binding DEB package:
Currently broken, use the JAR file

Mar 21/2016 6PM - Fixed an issue with dimming
Aug 1/2016 2PM - Added support for motion sensor items (Contact) for #motion items. 
Aug 1/2016 3PM - Added extra logging around motion sensors and added a 5 second cool-down period for motion events.
Aug 1/2016 3:10PM - Fixed a bug where motion sensors wouldn't work on 1st try.
Nov 13/2016 9:23PM - OpenHAB 2.0 Compatibility: Converted from Apache Commons HTTP to Jetty HttpClient
Nov 14/2016 12:10AM - Added various HTTP timeout parameters to improve reliability
Nov 14/2016 1:11AM - Create separate builds for OpenHAB 1.8X and 2.0 to address outstanding issues.
Dec 10/2017 10:10PM - Fixed various issues related to start/stop plugin & unreachable lightpads.
Dec 12/2017 11:45PM - CLeaned up logging around connection timeouts to lightpads, and downgraded TCP stream events from INFO to DEBUG to reduce logging output

Known issues / Will fix:
- Phantom motion events. There is a numeric value attached to pirSignal events which I was ignoring. This proved to be a bad idea. These values likely indicate some sort of quality/threshold. I will log and audit these values to determine what numeric value indicates a "true" pirSignal event. I had assumed that pirSignal events are fired only when the motion meets the same threshold used to light up the LightPad. I'm not so sure about that any more. I think a superset of motion events are broadcast and not all of them meet the threshold to be considered valid. Hoping to fix this in the future...
- Configurable idle/timeout for motion events. Right now a Plum motion sensor will toggle on, and after 5 seconds of no motion, toggle off. This works, but forces you to write rules in a very specific and perhaps overly complicated way. I will soon add a configurable idle/timeout for each Plum motion sensor item.

Currently working:
-Plum LightPads can be controlled via OpenHAB as switches 
-Plum LightPads can be controlled via OpenHAB as dimmers
-Plum LightPads receive status / event updates in OpenHAB in real-time based on physical interaction from the streaming API service running on TCP port 2708 on the LightPads.
-Plum LightPads receive status / event updates on OpenHAB startup starting at 60s and repeating every 60s forward
-Plum LightPads report the power consumption of the load (in watts). Use the same llid and IP address but with the Number item type and #powermeter feature as per example below
-Plum Lightpads report PIR/Motion sensor events. These events will set an OpenHab CONTACT item type to OPEN for 5 seconds, and automatically close it 5 seconds later. Make sure to use the Contact item type and the #motion configuration feature as per examples below.

General issues / won't fix:
-Dimmers when configured as Sliders in the site map cannot be controlled until the first refresh (60s after OpenHAB start)
-No test cases and minimal error handling. Make sure your configuration is perfect and keep an eye on the logs for any network issues.

NOTE: You may use the IP address of any Plum LightPad in the logical load if you have an n-way (more than 1 Light Pad) configuration.
NOTE: The HTTPS port of the Plum LightPads is hardcoded to 8443. Please let me know if this becomes an issue.



Real item example:
Switch foyerLights "Foyer Pot Lights" {plum=""}


Switch item=switchName
Slider item=dimmerName
Text item=powerMeterName
Switch item=motionName
***Note*** You may also use Switch types for dimmers instead of Slider. You may also use Text type for motion sensors instead of Switch

-plum.rules example ***NOTE*** If you configured your lights as a Switch instead of a Dimmer, you should use == ON/OFF instead of >0/==0:

rule "officeLightOn"
        Item officeMotion changed from CLOSED to OPEN
        if (officeLights.state > 0) {
                sendCommand(officeLights, OFF)
        } else if (officeLights.state == 0){
                sendCommand(officeLights, ON)


Plum Lightpad OpenHAB Binding






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