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Systems Thunderlink Users Use

bug Lady edited this page Feb 14, 2020 · 8 revisions

Curious how others are using Thunderlink, read below:

mikehardy ...I use thunderlink with toodledo (paid subscription unfortunately) or google keep (cloud service, but available free). Basically any todo or sticky note system should work, like a wiki even. I strongly prefer solutions that synch across mobile and desktop but are available offline, but I don't like hosting my own systems if I can avoid it, thus my choices - and obviously everyone has different preferences (text pulled from issues forum 4/2019)

Olifair I'm using FreePlane, a mindmapping software to organize my tasks (and structure them into critical now, target now, this week, follow ups, different long term projects, profiting from the hierarchical structure of a mind map) . And in FreePlane every node (task) can have a link. When setting the link, the content of the clipboard is pasted automatically, so very few clicks. And once set, I get a clickable icon, which will open directly the email. And similarly to other software, additionally to the text, you have a note field (HTML formattable), dates, reminders and much more. Check it out here :> (text pulled from issues forum 4/2019)

MarioKusek I am using Mac and in Mac I can put links in any document that support links. [:+1: wow, this is unheard of! :dromedary_camel:] I am using Taskpaper application, but I also use links in word, excel, normal text (opening with atom or Visual studio code). And they work fine because URL that start with protocol thunderlink is recognizable... Taskpaper format is textual format and just appending task at the end of file is fine. My pattern is: \t- \u2028\tFrom: on \u2028\t\n First I put tab (\t) and then minus sign, space and then subject of email. The \u2028 is UTF-8 character for line separator. After the I put tab and thunderlink and it finishes with new line \n. That way in taskpaper format I create new task at the end of file. (text pulled from issues forum 4/2019)

Thunderlink user How do you use thunderlink? Edit this wiki page, outlining how you use thunderlink using the format above.

Thunderous I use the project to make ppl aware of the problem of poorly documented softs because the makers seem to have lamentably little control of the English language and just keep throwing buzzwords around for fun and profit and obfuscation.

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