opens a videoView in android and plays any android supported video
phonegap create videoview
cd videoview
phonegap plugin add
Read "Important!" below VVV
In most cases,after installing this plugin, you will need to edit line 24 of platforms/android/src/org/ihopkc/videoplayer/ ( )
Find (on line 24)
import com.phonegap.helloworld.R;
and replace with your own project name space
for example, if you ran
phonegap create name com.example.project_name_space "CordovaProjectName"
you will need to replace (on line 24)
import com.phonegap.helloworld.R;
import com.example.project_names_space.R;
then you can run
phonegap build android
To open the video in android's video view run this javascript function
var showAds = true; //or false;
var isLive = false; //or true;
var adServer = ""; //optinal
window.androidPlay('http://link/to/android/supported/video.mp4', showAds, isLive [,adServer] );
Ad server example :
settings: {
nextAdTime: 30000, //ms til next ad will play
adSkipTime: 10000 //ms til user can skip ad
ad: {
overlay: {
image: "banner image url",
link: "on click url"
video: "video url"
phonegap will not comple after doing the steps below and you must manually complie with eclipse or another ide 1.
import the vitamio folder as an android project
to set vitamio lib in phonegap project:
right click on phonegap project (in package explorer) -> properties -> Android -> click Add -> Click Inint Activity -> OK -> OK
Add permissions and vitamio activity
Edit: "Phonegap Project"/AndroidMainifest.xml
add needed permissons
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
add vitamio init activity
<activity android:name="io.vov.vitamio.activity.InitActivity"
android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" />
Switch Android's Player libs with vitamio's libs
Edit: "Phonegap Project"/src/org.ihopkc.videoview/
remove android's imports for Meida Player, Media Controller, VideoView and Add imports below
import io.vov.vitamio.LibsChecker;
import io.vov.vitamio.MediaPlayer;
import io.vov.vitamio.widget.MediaController;
import io.vov.vitamio.widget.VideoView;
add the fallowing code to onCreate function right after "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);"
if (!LibsChecker.checkVitamioLibs(this))
change global var position type form int
to long
Switch Android's video view to Vitamio's video view
Edit: "Phonegap Project"/res/layout/activity_player.xml
change the <VideoView>
tag to <io.vov.vitamio.widget.VideoView>
- (Optional)
remove file name from player
Edit: InitActivity/res/layout/medaiconroller.xml
find last <TextView>
with android:id="@+id/mediacontroller_file_name"
attribute and add the attrubute android:visibility="gone"