A brief rundown derivation of the steps in obtaining the charge flip rate ϵi
- Including the likelihood function
- Discuss about the related errors arose in the method used.
Come up with a code to act as an analyzer.
- Work in Pythia & C++
- Input event data and output a weight factor of how likely misidentification occurs.
Validation the code
- By using higher √s data
- Amend if necessary
- Done
- Calculate mis-id rate with
- Calculate mis-id rate with
- Implement likelihood method
- No progress, 0 misId rate.
- Get ATLAS GEANT4 sample and retry
- Done
- Generate ROOT file (10000 events)
- Graph the Z invariant Mass with
- 0 mis-identified electrons (expected ~10)
- Verify eta distribution cuts off at 2.5
- Try Delphes again with 100k events
- Check parents of all electrons are from Z
- Discuss further if 0 misId rate again
- Done
- Using Madgraph & Delphes, generate ROOT file
- linking Delphes libraries and headers with ROOT
- Use ROOT TLorentzVector::M (?) to find the invariant mass
- No progress, Delphes rejected Pythia HepMC format
- Further troubleshooting together
- Done: Generate HepMC Events from Pythia
- Install Delphes for detector simulation
- Input .HepMC, output .ROOT
- Pythia:
- Further specify allowed processes
- Only pure Z -> lepton lepton , no gamma
- Get 4 momentum of electrons, to get the invariant mass of the Z Boson
- Install Delphes for detector simulation
- TODO Generate the sample events before next week
- In Pythia, turn on detector simulation
- Only turn on electroweak processes
- pp -> Z -> ee
- The information about electron misidentification is stored in the sample
- After succeed
- Use ROOT to perform further analysis