The item catalog is part of the the Fullstack Developer Nanodegree program. It is a catalog of items which allows people to view products sorted by category in a web application.
It allows users to register and create, edit or delete their own products using third-party authentication. The authentication is provided by Github Oauth API. Depending on the configuration, it is compatible with SQLite and PostgreSQL databases.
It aims to fulfill the rubric:!/rubrics/5/view
This project uses Python 3. Requires a few third-party Python libraries.
Method 1: Install requirements separately using pip3.
pip3 install httplib2
pip3 install flask
pip3 install sqlalchemy
pip3 install psycopg2
Method 2: Use virtualenv
and requirements.txt
to install packages.
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a new Github app, you can do so here
Obtain Github app client id and client secret
Create a config file and use the json format below:
$ touch config/github_secrets.json
"web": {
"app_id": "APP_ID",
"app_secret": "APP_SECRET"
- Create and populate the database
$ rm -f data/catalog.db # Clean old sqlite data if needed
$ python3 ./scripts/
$ python3 ./scripts/
source venv/bin/activate
Visit http://localhost:5001
The project provides a few GET endpoints to allow other applications to consume the item data, all ids are numeric:
- Get data of a category
GET http://localhost:5001/category/2.json
"created_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"id": 2,
"name": "Food",
"updated_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"user_id": null
- Get data of an item
GET http://localhost:5001/item/5.json
"category_id": 2,
"created_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"description": "The most chocolatastic cookie. Only one left.",
"id": 5,
"name": "A Cookie",
"updated_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"user_id": 1
- Get items of a category
GET http://localhost:5001/category/2/items.json
"category_id": 2,
"created_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"description": "The most chocolatastic cookie. Only one left.",
"id": 5,
"name": "A Cookie",
"updated_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"user_id": 1
"category_id": 2,
"created_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"description": "Also known as french fries.",
"id": 6,
"name": "Some chips",
"updated_at": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 08:05:17 GMT",
"user_id": null