Machine learning project where we implement 10-fold cross-validation with 5 models:
- Logistic Regression
- Random Forest
- Naive Bayes
To deploy the code, run every cell of the vicQSrank.ipynb
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn as sk
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Run the following five method functions:
VIC Implementation cell
And two dictionaries are stored after running this cells.
The bestAveragesScores dictionary stores the 5 functions averages of the AUC per data base. bestMaxScore stores the name of the best model and the AUC of that model
Each classifier has its corresponding function, the VIC implementation calls the 5 function's model and stores the results of each model as a dictionary.
A run of one fold of every function returns the following values.
[[16 0]
[ 4 1]]
AUC: 0.6
[[14 0]
[ 4 2]]
AUC: 0.6666666666666666
[[11 2]
[ 6 1]]
AUC: 0.49450549450549447
[[16 0]
[ 2 2]]
AUC: 0.75
[[11 1]
[ 7 1]]
AUC: 0.5208333333333334
[[14 0]
[ 5 1]]
AUC: 0.5833333333333334
[[12 3]
[ 1 4]]
AUC: 0.8
[[15 0]
[ 4 1]]
AUC: 0.6
[[15 2]
[ 2 1]]
AUC: 0.6078431372549019
[[12 4]
[ 3 1]]
AUC: 0.5
[ 136 12 ]
[ 38 15 ]
10-FOLD AVERAGE OF SVM IS: 0.6009688934217237
Three partitions of bestAveragesScores sample:
{'/content/drive/My Drive/datasets/dataset_100.csv': {'LDA': 0.760940594059406,
'Logistic Regression': 0.8603960396039605,
'MAX Score': ('Random Forest', 0.8704455445544554),
'Naive Bayes': 0.8303465346534653,
'Random Forest': 0.8704455445544554,
'SVM': 0.8501485148514851},
'/content/drive/My Drive/datasets/dataset_101.csv': {'LDA': 0.7714851485148515,
'Logistic Regression': 0.855990099009901,
'MAX Score': ('Random Forest', 0.8658910891089109),
'Naive Bayes': 0.8263861386138613,
'Random Forest': 0.8658910891089109,
'SVM': 0.8463366336633663},
'/content/drive/My Drive/datasets/dataset_102.csv': {'LDA': 0.7918894830659537,
'Logistic Regression': 0.85650623885918,
'MAX Score': ('Random Forest', 0.8612596553773024),
'Naive Bayes': 0.8324420677361855,
'Random Forest': 0.8612596553773024,
'SVM': 0.8523469994058229}}
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
- Sci-kit - The framework used for the models
- Pandas - DataFrame framework
- Matplotlib - Library used for plots
- Ana Estrada - (
- Emilio Ferreira -
- Rodrigo Careaga - (
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details