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Commitizen friendly npm version

Playbook SDK

Playbook is like storybook but for the master class IDE

Quick start

# install globally
npm i -g masterclass-playbook

# OR install locally
yarn add -D masterclass-playbook

# init a simple hello world 
npx playbook init --helloworld

This will create a boilerplate helloworld.playbook.js

Example Playbooks

Hello World Playbook

playbook('Title of the playbook')
	.addCategory('Title of the first category')
		.addScene('Title of the First scene')
			.addStep('Say Hello World!')
				.addDescription('Hello World ')


File History

Playbook construction from git history

playbook git2playbook or /api/v2/bucket/{bucketId}/file/history?filePath=relative/path/from/bucket?branch=optionalBranchName

git to playbook will read the git history and scaffold a playbook for you to adjust. This includes:

  • For each branch and each commit We will get a history of changes to the file on each branch over each commit This will be displayed as such:
	// relative from the STORAGE root 
	filePath: "bucket/1/react/", 
	fileName: "HelloCtrl.js", 
	branches: [
			// @param {string} branch - branch name 
			branch: "master",

			isCheckedOut: false,
			isClosed: false, 

			history: [
					// @param {Date} date - date string of when the change was made for ordering 
					date: "yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS",

					// @param {number} relativeOrder - 1 is the latest, 2 is the second to latest
					relativeOrder: 1, 

					// @param {string} fileContents - file contents for this commit 
					fileContents: "class HelloWorld{\n\tconstructor(){\n\t}\n}",

					changesFromLastCommit: {
						fromCommitId: 'commitSha', 
						fromFileContents:  "class HelloWorld{\n\tconstructor(){}\n}",

						 * @name IDiffModel
						 * @param {*} diffByChar - difference by character 
						 * @param {*} diffByWord - difference by word 
						 * @param {*} diffByLine - difference by line 
						 * @param {ISxd} sxd - difference as a scaffolder
						 * @param {string} sxd.template - handlebars template of the  from template
						 * @param {[key:string]: string} - data to inject into the template to end up with the 'To' file
						 * @param {[key:string]: boolean} sxd.addedOrDeleted - key was added or removed in the resulting 'To' file
						 * @param {string} sxd.shouldEqual - handlebars + data = shoudEqual the 'To' file 
						diffModel: {
							diffByChar: {},
							diffByWord: {},
							diffByLine: {}, 
							sxd: {
								template: "Hello {{originally}}{{name}}",
								data: {
									originally: ''
									name: 'World'
								addedOrDeleted: {
									originally: false,
									name: true,
								shouldEqual: "Hello World"

					// @param {ICommit} commit - Commit model 
					commit: {
						// @param {string} sha - commit ID
						sha: "commitId",
						// @param {string} message - commit ID
						message: "feat(xyz): #123 add something ",
						// @param {ISemanticCommit} semantic: attempt to parse the semantic commit
						semantic: {
							// @param commitType - chore, doc, feature
							commitType: "feature",
							// @param feat - if feature, attpempt to parse shortcode 
							feat: "xyz",
							// @param taskId - regex to find task ID
							taskId: "123"
							// @param message - message without meta data 
							message: "add something"

						} //...eof semantic 
					} // ... eof commit 
				} // ... eof IHistoryModel
			] // ... eof history 

		}//...eof IBranchModel
	] //...eof branches

File diff

  • cli playbook diff --from=path/to/file/one.txt --to=path/to/file/two.txt
  • api GET /api/v2/diff?fileFrom=path/to/file/one.txt&fileTo=path/to/file/two.txt
  • api POST /api/v2/diff
// body 
	fileContentsFrom: "class One(){\n\n}",
	fileContentsTo: "class Two(){\n\n}"
  • Javascript interface
import {DiffService, IDiffModel} from 'masterclass-playbook'

 * Diff from path uses files already in storage 
 * @param {string} bucket - bucket to start from 
 * @param {string} pathFromFile - relative path from the Bucket to the 'From' file
 * @param {string} pathToFile - relative path from the Bucket to the 'To' file
 * @returns {IDiffModel} diffModel - difference by character, word, and line and the Sxd from to data 
DiffService.diffFromPath(bucket, pathFromFile, pathToFile);

 * Diff from path uses files already in storage 
 * @param {string} pathFromContents - the contents for the 'From' file
 * @param {string} pathToContents - the contents for the 'To' file
 * @returns {IDiffModel} diffModel - difference by character, word, and line and the Sxd from to data 
DiffService.diffFromContents(pathFromContents, pathToContents);

 * This will return the IDiffModel
 * @name IDiffModel
 * @param {*} diffByChar - difference by character 
 * @param {*} diffByWord - difference by word 
 * @param {*} diffByLine - difference by line 
 * @param {ISxd} sxd - difference as a scaffolder
 * @param {string} sxd.template - handlebars template of the from template
 * @param {[key:string]: string} - data to inject into the template to end up with the 'To' file
 * @param {[key:string]: boolean} sxd.addedOrDeleted - key was added or removed in the resulting 'To' file
 * @param {string} sxd.shouldEqual - handlebars + data = shoudEqual the 'To' file 
const diffModel:IDiffModel = {
	diffByChar: {},
	diffByWord: {},
	diffByLine: {}, 
	sxd: {
		template: "Hello {{originally}}{{name}}",
		data: {
			originally: ''
			name: 'World'
		addedOrDeleted: {
			originally: false,
			name: true,
		shouldEqual: "Hello World"


Start a playbook.js file by using .playbook(title)


Child Functions



Child Functions



Child Functions



Child Functions

.addCode(start, duration, templateFilePath, outputFilePath, compileData)
.addCli(start, duration)

Timeline - all

Child Functions

.withTime(start, duration)

// -- Transitions
.addTransition(start, end)
.move(left, top)
.setPosition(left, top)
.changeDimension(width, height)
.setDimension(width, height)


With transitions, the main units are 'px' and '%'. In order to set a transition for a given property (e.g height) then the same unit needs to be used height = 20% -> height = 35%. View the below panel models to see the default window setting values + units


Window settings

isClosed = false;
top = "0px";
left = "0px";
width = "45%";
height = "100%";

Child Functions


Window settings

isClosed = false;
top = "0px";
left = "50%";
width = "45%";
height = "80%";

Child Functions

.addPartial(start, duration, partialId, templateFilePath, compileData)


Window settings

isClosed = true;
top = "0px";
left = "50%";
width = "45%";
height = "20%";

Child Functions
