Matched case-control studies are a classical Epidemiology study design. Case-control study designs are used to estimate the relative risk for a disease from a specific risk factor. The estimate is the odds ratio, which is a good estimate of the relative risk especially when the disease is rare. cmatch tabulates the number of matched pairs by c levels of an exposure variable. cmatch forms a c x c table of matched pairs by the exposure status of the case and the exposure status of the control. The data must be in the form of individual records.
To install cmatch directly from github you need to use a Stata module for installing Stata packages from GitHub, including previous releases of a package. You can install the latest version of the github command by executing the following code in your Stata session.
Note: you need a Stata version greater or equal than 13.2, otherwise you can install the package manually downloading the files from the Github repository and placing it in your Stata ADO PERSONAL folder:
net install github, from("")
then, you can install cmatch simply using the following code in Stata:
github install migariane/cmatch
.which cmatch
.help cmatch
Note: cmatch is an improved version of match originally developed by the EPM-304 (Adavance Statistical Methods in Epidemiology) distance Learning MSc programme in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.
Developer: Miguel Angel Luque-Fernandez, LSHTM, NCDE, Cancer Survival Group, London, U.K.
In case you have updates or changes that you would like to make, please send me a pull request.
Alternatively, if you have any questions, please e-mail me.
You can cite this repository as:
Luque-Fernandez MA, (2017). Tabulation of matched pairs in 1:1 case control study by exposure status.
GitHub repository,
Miguel Angel Luque-Fernandez
E-mail: miguel-angel.luque at
This software is distributed under the GPL-2 license.