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improve waveform and keyframes
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- allow up to 1000 keyframes in buffer before recycling #563
- buffer the last 100 rendered waveform segments #260

- implement timeout/kill for ffprobe after 30 sec
  • Loading branch information
mifi committed Jan 15, 2022
1 parent 848120d commit ac127e8
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Showing 5 changed files with 115 additions and 54 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/App.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -821,8 +821,8 @@ const App = memo(() => {
const shouldShowKeyframes = keyframesEnabled && !!mainVideoStream && calcShouldShowKeyframes(zoomedDuration);
const shouldShowWaveform = calcShouldShowWaveform(zoomedDuration);

const { neighbouringFrames, findNearestKeyFrameTime } = useKeyframes({ keyframesEnabled, filePath, commandedTime, mainVideoStream, detectedFps, ffmpegExtractWindow });
const { waveform } = useWaveform({ filePath, commandedTime, zoomedDuration, waveformEnabled, mainAudioStream, shouldShowWaveform, ffmpegExtractWindow });
const { neighbouringKeyFrames, findNearestKeyFrameTime } = useKeyframes({ keyframesEnabled, filePath, commandedTime, mainVideoStream, detectedFps, ffmpegExtractWindow });
const { waveforms } = useWaveform({ filePath, commandedTime, zoomedDuration, waveformEnabled, mainAudioStream, shouldShowWaveform, ffmpegExtractWindow });

const resetState = useCallback(() => {
const video = videoRef.current;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2425,11 +2425,11 @@ const App = memo(() => {
Expand Down
33 changes: 19 additions & 14 deletions src/Timeline.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ const currentTimeWidth = 1;

const hammerOptions = { recognizers: {} };

const Waveform = memo(({ calculateTimelinePercent, durationSafe, waveform, zoom, timelineHeight }) => {
const imgRef = useRef();
const Waveform = memo(({ waveform, calculateTimelinePercent, durationSafe }) => {
const [style, setStyle] = useState({ display: 'none' });

const leftPos = calculateTimelinePercent(waveform.from);
Expand All @@ -32,14 +31,19 @@ const Waveform = memo(({ calculateTimelinePercent, durationSafe, waveform, zoom,
position: 'absolute', height: '100%', left: leftPos, width: `${((toTruncated - waveform.from) / durationSafe) * 100}%`,

return (
<div style={{ height: timelineHeight, width: `${zoom * 100}%`, position: 'relative' }}>
<img ref={imgRef} src={waveform.url} draggable={false} style={style} alt="" onLoad={onLoad} />
<img src={waveform.url} draggable={false} style={style} alt="" onLoad={onLoad} />

const Waveforms = memo(({ calculateTimelinePercent, durationSafe, waveforms, zoom, timelineHeight }) => (
<div style={{ height: timelineHeight, width: `${zoom * 100}%`, position: 'relative' }}>
{ => (
<Waveform key={`${waveform.from}-${}`} waveform={waveform} calculateTimelinePercent={calculateTimelinePercent} durationSafe={durationSafe} />

const CommandedTime = memo(({ commandedTimePercent }) => {
const color = 'white';
const commonStyle = { left: commandedTimePercent, position: 'absolute', zIndex: 4, pointerEvents: 'none' };
Expand All @@ -54,9 +58,9 @@ const CommandedTime = memo(({ commandedTimePercent }) => {

const Timeline = memo(({
durationSafe, getCurrentTime, startTimeOffset, playerTime, commandedTime,
zoom, neighbouringFrames, seekAbs, apparentCutSegments,
zoom, neighbouringKeyFrames, seekAbs, apparentCutSegments,
setCurrentSegIndex, currentSegIndexSafe, invertCutSegments, inverseCutSegments, formatTimecode,
waveform, shouldShowWaveform, shouldShowKeyframes, timelineHeight, thumbnails,
waveforms, shouldShowWaveform, shouldShowKeyframes, timelineHeight, thumbnails,
onZoomWindowStartTimeChange, waveformEnabled, thumbnailsEnabled,
playing, isFileOpened, onWheel, commandedTimeRef, goToTimecode,
}) => {
Expand All @@ -75,10 +79,11 @@ const Timeline = memo(({

const isZoomed = zoom > 1;

const keyframes = neighbouringFrames ? neighbouringFrames.filter(f => f.keyframe) : [];
// Don't show keyframes if too packed together (at current zoom)
// See
const areKeyframesTooClose = keyframes.length > zoom * 200;
// todo
// const areKeyframesTooClose = keyframes.length > zoom * 200;
const areKeyframesTooClose = false;

const calculateTimelinePos = useCallback((time) => (time !== undefined ? Math.min(time / durationSafe, 1) : undefined), [durationSafe]);
const calculateTimelinePercent = useCallback((time) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,11 +223,11 @@ const Timeline = memo(({
{waveformEnabled && shouldShowWaveform && waveform && (
{waveformEnabled && shouldShowWaveform && waveforms && (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ const Timeline = memo(({

{shouldShowKeyframes && !areKeyframesTooClose && => (
{shouldShowKeyframes && !areKeyframesTooClose && => (
<div key={f.time} style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0, bottom: 0, left: `${(f.time / durationSafe) * 100}%`, marginLeft: -1, width: 1, background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)', pointerEvents: 'none' }} />
Expand Down
23 changes: 20 additions & 3 deletions src/ffmpeg.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,10 +30,17 @@ function getFfPath(cmd) {
export const getFfmpegPath = () => getFfPath('ffmpeg');
export const getFfprobePath = () => getFfPath('ffprobe');

export async function runFfprobe(args) {
export async function runFfprobe(args, { timeout = isDev ? 10000 : 30000 } = {}) {
const ffprobePath = getFfprobePath();
console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffprobe', args));
return execa(ffprobePath, args);
const ps = execa(ffprobePath, args);
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
console.warn('killing timed out ffprobe');
}, timeout);
const ret = await ps;
return ret;

export function runFfmpeg(args) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +99,11 @@ export async function readFrames({ filePath, aroundTime, window, stream }) {
const { stdout } = await runFfprobe(['-v', 'error', ...intervalsArgs, '-show_packets', '-select_streams', stream, '-show_entries', 'packet=pts_time,flags', '-of', 'json', filePath]);
const packetsFiltered = JSON.parse(stdout).packets
.map(p => ({ keyframe: p.flags[0] === 'K', time: parseFloat(p.pts_time, 10) }))
.map(p => ({
keyframe: p.flags[0] === 'K',
time: parseFloat(p.pts_time, 10),
createdAt: new Date(),
.filter(p => !Number.isNaN(p.time));

return sortBy(packetsFiltered, 'time');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,7 +483,12 @@ export async function renderWaveformPng({ filePath, aroundTime, window, color })
ps2 = execa(ffmpegPath, args2, { encoding: null });

const timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);
const { stdout } = await ps2;

const blob = new Blob([stdout], { type: 'image/png' });

Expand All @@ -481,6 +497,7 @@ export async function renderWaveformPng({ filePath, aroundTime, window, color })
createdAt: new Date(),
} catch (err) {
if (ps1) ps1.kill();
Expand Down
50 changes: 34 additions & 16 deletions src/hooks/useKeyframes.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,43 +1,61 @@
import { useState, useCallback, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useState, useCallback, useRef, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy';
import useDebounceOld from 'react-use/lib/useDebounce'; // Want to phase out this

import { readFrames, findNearestKeyFrameTime as ffmpegFindNearestKeyFrameTime } from '../ffmpeg';

const maxKeyframes = 1000;
// const maxKeyframes = 100;

export default ({ keyframesEnabled, filePath, commandedTime, mainVideoStream, detectedFps, ffmpegExtractWindow }) => {
const readingKeyframesPromise = useRef();
const [neighbouringFrames, setNeighbouringFrames] = useState([]);
const [neighbouringKeyFramesMap, setNeighbouringKeyFrames] = useState({});
const neighbouringKeyFrames = useMemo(() => Object.values(neighbouringKeyFramesMap), [neighbouringKeyFramesMap]);

const findNearestKeyFrameTime = useCallback(({ time, direction }) => ffmpegFindNearestKeyFrameTime({ frames: neighbouringFrames, time, direction, fps: detectedFps }), [neighbouringFrames, detectedFps]);
const findNearestKeyFrameTime = useCallback(({ time, direction }) => ffmpegFindNearestKeyFrameTime({ frames: neighbouringKeyFrames, time, direction, fps: detectedFps }), [neighbouringKeyFrames, detectedFps]);

useEffect(() => {
}, [filePath]);
useEffect(() => setNeighbouringKeyFrames({}), [filePath]);

useDebounceOld(() => {
// We still want to calculate keyframes even if not shouldShowKeyframes because maybe we want to be able to step to the closest keyframe
const shouldRun = () => keyframesEnabled && filePath && mainVideoStream && commandedTime != null;
let aborted = false;

async function run() {
if (!shouldRun() || readingKeyframesPromise.current) return;
(async () => {
// See getIntervalAroundTime
// We still want to calculate keyframes even if not shouldShowKeyframes because maybe we want to be able to step to the closest keyframe
const shouldRun = keyframesEnabled && filePath && mainVideoStream && commandedTime != null && !readingKeyframesPromise.current;
if (!shouldRun) return;

try {
const promise = readFrames({ filePath, aroundTime: commandedTime, stream: mainVideoStream.index, window: ffmpegExtractWindow });
readingKeyframesPromise.current = promise;
const newFrames = await promise;
if (!shouldRun()) return;
if (aborted) return;
const newKeyFrames = newFrames.filter((frame) => frame.keyframe);
// console.log(newFrames);
setNeighbouringKeyFrames((existingKeyFramesMap) => {
let existingFrames = Object.values(existingKeyFramesMap);
if (existingFrames.length >= maxKeyframes) {
existingFrames = sortBy(existingFrames, 'createdAt').slice(newKeyFrames.length);
const toObj = (map) => Object.fromEntries( => [frame.time, frame]));
return {
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to read keyframes', err);
} finally {
readingKeyframesPromise.current = undefined;
}, 500, [keyframesEnabled, filePath, commandedTime, mainVideoStream]);

return () => {
aborted = true;
}, 500, [keyframesEnabled, filePath, commandedTime, mainVideoStream, ffmpegExtractWindow]);

return {
neighbouringFrames, findNearestKeyFrameTime,
neighbouringKeyFrames, findNearestKeyFrameTime,
55 changes: 38 additions & 17 deletions src/hooks/useWaveform.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,40 +1,61 @@
import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy';
import useDebounceOld from 'react-use/lib/useDebounce'; // Want to phase out this
import { waveformColor } from '../colors';

import { renderWaveformPng } from '../ffmpeg';

const maxWaveforms = 100;
// const maxWaveforms = 3; // testing

export default ({ filePath, commandedTime, zoomedDuration, waveformEnabled, mainAudioStream, shouldShowWaveform, ffmpegExtractWindow }) => {
const creatingWaveformPromise = useRef();
const [waveform, setWaveform] = useState();

useEffect(() => {
}, [filePath]);
const [waveforms, setWaveforms] = useState([]);

useDebounceOld(() => {
const shouldRun = () => filePath && mainAudioStream && commandedTime != null && shouldShowWaveform && waveformEnabled;
let aborted = false;

(async () => {
const alreadyHaveWaveformAtCommandedTime = waveforms.some((waveform) => waveform.from < commandedTime && > commandedTime);
const shouldRun = filePath && mainAudioStream && commandedTime != null && shouldShowWaveform && waveformEnabled && !alreadyHaveWaveformAtCommandedTime && !creatingWaveformPromise.current;
if (!shouldRun) return;

async function run() {
if (!shouldRun() || creatingWaveformPromise.current) return;
try {
const promise = renderWaveformPng({ filePath, aroundTime: commandedTime, window: ffmpegExtractWindow, color: waveformColor });
creatingWaveformPromise.current = promise;
if (!shouldRun()) return;
const wf = await promise;
const newWaveform = await promise;
if (aborted) return;
setWaveforms((currentWaveforms) => {
const waveformsByCreatedAt = sortBy(currentWaveforms, 'createdAt');
return [
// cleanup old
...(currentWaveforms.length >= maxWaveforms ? waveformsByCreatedAt.slice(1) : waveformsByCreatedAt),
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to render waveform', err);
} finally {
creatingWaveformPromise.current = undefined;

return () => {
aborted = true;
}, 500, [filePath, commandedTime, zoomedDuration, waveformEnabled, mainAudioStream, shouldShowWaveform, waveforms, ffmpegExtractWindow]);

}, 500, [filePath, commandedTime, zoomedDuration, waveformEnabled, mainAudioStream, shouldShowWaveform]);
const lastWaveformsRef = useRef([]);
useEffect(() => {
const removedWaveforms = lastWaveformsRef.current.filter((wf) => !waveforms.includes(wf));
// Cleanup old
// if (removedWaveforms.length > 0) console.log('cleanup waveforms', removedWaveforms.length);
removedWaveforms.forEach((waveform) => URL.revokeObjectURL(waveform.url));
lastWaveformsRef.current = waveforms;
}, [waveforms]);

// Cleanup old
useEffect(() => () => waveform && URL.revokeObjectURL(waveform.url), [waveform]);
useEffect(() => setWaveforms([]), [filePath]);
useEffect(() => () => setWaveforms([]), []);

return { waveform };
return { waveforms };

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