This repo consists of the homework and solutions for CS 198-077 Blockchain for Developers DeCal, taught at UC Berkeley in spring 2020 by the Blockchain at Berkeley Education Department.
The course website and slides can be found here. Slides are updated weekly.
This course aims to teach students the fundamentals of blockchains development, the Solidity programming language, as well as industry-relevant tools such as Metamask, Infura, Truffle, and Ganache so that students will be equipped with industry-relevant experience in an accessible, collaborative environment. We hope that through this course, students will become more confident in their ability to develop and deploy blockchain-based solutions on important industry issues.
In this repository, you can find all the homework code and solutions.
Homework code are posted before the corresponding lecture with detailed installation and set up guide. Most of the homework will consist of filling out skeleton code and answer short questions.
Once you finished, please ask any of the course staff to check off in person.
If you cannot finish the homework in class, you have until next week's lecture to finish it.
Solutions are released after a week, during the subsequent lecture.
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited and is treated with automatic failure of the course.
Working collaboratively and discussing ideas are encouraged.
Please do not post your solutions on public repository on sites such as GitHub or GitLab. Please make them local or set them to private repository. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any course staff.
The course staff consists of Minxing Chen, Simon Zirui Guo, Janice Ng, Haena Lee, Erika Badalyan, and Grace Kull.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at dev-decal [@] or open an issue on our GitHub repo.
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