qrezi is a presentation framework written in QML and inspired by prezi, thus the name (p → q).
A qrezi presentation is written directly in QML in a declarative style. Here is a basic example:
import QtQuick 2.2
import Qrezi 0.1
Qrezi {
Column {
Slide {
Heading { text: "Hello Qrezi"}
Paragraph { text: "You can navigate using the left & right arrow key or space." }
Slide {
id: content
Heading { text: "Hello World"}
Paragraph { text: "Easily add code:"}
Code { text: "int main() { lorem_ipsum(); }" }
Slide {
Heading { text: "Conclusions"}
Paragraph { text: "This is just aweseome !!!11"}
Paragraph { text: "It's really great."}
qrezi presentations can be played directly with qmlscene, the QML player coming with the default Qt5 installation.
To use the qrezi modules they must be made available to qmlscene. This can be done by wither of the following means:
- put it in the default path for QML modules
- set an environment variable to custom QML module import path
- run qmlscene with
-include <local/path/to/modules>