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Test for every fix and feature

This section is not completed yet.

All fix and feature work must come with integration tests. This is to protect your code and make sure your investment will not be broken by others.

Please review our tests under __tests__/stories. These tests are user stories. They include both "today's requirements" and "tomorrow's dreams". We try to push this adapter design to as far as 2 years ahead.

For every new feature, a user story is required. The user story need to be coded as an end-to-end test and placed under this folder for POR.


Egress design


TODO: Add links to user stories

  • Middleware/enhancer can patch/skip/fork egress activities
    • Asynchronous patch
    • Can be skipped
    • Can be forked into 2+ activities

Ingress design


TODO: Add links to user stories

  • Anyone who have public access to adapter can send ingress
  • Middleware/enhancer can stop ingress of another middleware/enhancer
    • Web Socket can pause/resume REST API (protocol fallback)
    • Connection manager can stop downstream ingress
  • Middleware can patch/skip/fork the activity of another middleware doing the ingress

Optional goals

  • Easy to ingress a static transcript

Other designs

  • Event target and async iterables are recommended, Observable is welcomed
  • Do not use any operators on Observable
    • Observable operators (for example, flatMap and retryWhen in RxJS) are not welcomed because they are very difficult to debug

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