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Generating Nuget Packages

Chris Barth edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 5 revisions

Building the Artifacts



NuGet is the package manager for .Net and you'll need to have it available in the PATH.


The build process leverages UnitySetup, an OSS PowerShell Module from Microsoft.

Install from PowerShell:

Install-Module UnitySetup -Scope CurrentUser


If you do not specify a version, then Git is used to find relevant tags. In this case it will need to be available in the PATH.

Run the Build

Simply execute the build script as such:

.\build.ps1 -Version '1.2.3'

For help and examples simply use the PowerShell help command:

help .\build.ps1 -Detailed

Note: If you don't specify -Version <version> the script will try to infer it from tags pointing to the current git commit. An error is produced if you don't have a tag and no version is provided.