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@github-actions github-actions released this 21 Aug 09:08
· 112 commits to main since this release


  • Issue 1105 Increment Version Number - repoVersion in .github/AL-Go-Settings.json is not updated
  • Issue 1073 Publish to AppSource - Automated validation: failure
  • Issue 980 Allow Scope to be PTE in continuousDeployment for PTE extensions in Sandbox (enhancement request)
  • Issue 1079 AppSource App deployment failes with PerTenantExtensionCop Error PTE0001 and PTE0002
  • Issue 866 Accessing GitHub Environment Variables in DeployToCustom Scenarios for PowerShell Scripts
  • Issue 1083 SyncMode for custom deployments?
  • Issue 1109 Why filter deployment settings?
  • Fix issue with github ref when running reusable workflows
  • Issue 1098 Support for specifying the name of the AZURE_CREDENTIALS secret by adding a AZURE_CREDENTIALSSecretName setting
  • Fix placeholder syntax for git ref in PullRequestHandler.yaml
  • Issue 1164 Getting secrets from Azure key vault fails in Preview

Dependencies to PowerShell modules

AL-Go for GitHub relies on specific PowerShell modules, and the minimum versions required for these modules are tracked in Packages.json file. Should the installed modules on the GitHub runner not meet these minimum requirements, the necessary modules will be installed as needed.

Support managed identities and federated credentials

All authentication context secrets now supports managed identities and federated credentials. See more here. Furthermore, you can now use to learn more about the formatting of that secret.

Business Central Performance Toolkit Test Result Viewer

In the summary after a Test Run, you now also have the result of performance tests.

Support Ubuntu runners for all AL-Go workflows

Previously, the workflows "Update AL-Go System Files" and "TroubleShooting" were hardcoded to always run on windows-latest to prevent deadlocks and security issues.
From now on, ubuntu-lates will also be allowed for these mission critical workflows, when changing the runs-on setting. Additionally, only the value pwsh for shell setting is allowed when using ubuntu-latest runners.

Updated AL-Go telemetry

AL-Go for GitHub now includes a new telemetry module. For detailed information on how to enable or disable telemetry and to see what data AL-Go logs, check out this article.

New Settings

  • deployTo<environmentName>: is not really new, but has a new property:

    • Scope = specifies the scope of the deployment: Dev, PTE. If not specified, AL-Go for GitHub will always use the Dev Scope for AppSource Apps, but also for PTEs when deploying to sandbox environments when impersonation (refreshtoken) is used for authentication.
    • BuildMode = specifies which buildMode to use for the deployment. Default is to use the Default buildMode.
    • <custom> = custom properties are now supported and will be transferred to a custom deployment script in the hashtable.
  • bcptThresholds is a JSON object with properties for the default thresholds for the Business Central Performance Toolkit

    • DurationWarning - a warning is issued if the duration of a bcpt test degrades more than this percentage (default 10)
    • DurationError - an error is issued if the duration of a bcpt test degrades more than this percentage (default 25)
    • NumberOfSqlStmtsWarning - a warning is issued if the number of SQL statements from a bcpt test increases more than this percentage (default 5)
    • NumberOfSqlStmtsError - an error is issued if the number of SQL statements from a bcpt test increases more than this percentage (default 10)


Duration thresholds are subject to varying results depending on the performance of the agent running the tests. Number of SQL statements executed by a test is often the most reliable indicator of performance degredation.