Hello and welcome! This repository holds the source for my personal-professional website.
The site is built using MkDocs with Material, and is built and hosted for the public by Cloudflare Pages.
To build the site locally for yourself, you may either spin up a Docker container or run a local development server directly.
- Clone this repository.
- Run
docker-compose up
. - Hit the local server at
- MkDocs
- Python3
- Clone this repository.
- From the repository's root, run
mkdocs build
.$ mkdocs build INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: emheinz.github.io/site
- Next, run
mkdocs serve
:$ mkdocs serve INFO - Building documentation... INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration: - portfolio.md INFO - Documentation built in 0.34 seconds INFO - [13:29:30] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml' INFO - [13:29:30] Serving on
- Hit the local server at
- Thanks @conceptualshark for writing a great Dockerfile and docker-compose file for MkDocs sites.