This repo will soon be archived. It will stay accessible but I will no longer be making updates.
I am moving to an "All-In-One" setup repo for macOS, Linux, Windows, SteamDeck and Ungoogled Android.
Set up a fresh Windows 11 install the easy way using the winget package manager.
Fork and change it to your favourite apps. Mine will be a fairly minimal gaming rig.
๐ซ Install Chocolatey Package Manager
- Open Windows Powershell as Administrator
- Install Chocolatey with the command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
- Close and reopen Powershell, or open CMD as Admin, instead.
- Check it worked with
Keep things updated:
- Keep everything up to date with
choco upgrade all
- Lock certain apps to a version with
choco upgrade all --except="'speccy,vlc'"
List all installed packages + versions:
choco version all
choco install -y microsoft-windows-terminal firefox origin steam uplay goggalaxy vortex epicgameslauncher discord slack notion obs obs-studio virtualbox itunes icloud vlc 7zip ccleaner FiraCode-ttf powertoys dashlane authy-desktop
๐ฉโ๐ป Install Windows Terminal
choco install -y microsoft-windows-terminal
choco install -y 1password
๐ฆ Install Firefox
choco install -y firefox
choco install -y origin steam uplay goggalaxy vortex epicgameslauncher
choco install -y discord slack
choco install -y obs obs-studio virtualbox itunes icloud vlc 7zip ccleaner
- Team Green: NVIDIA Experience
- Team Red: AMD Adrenaline
- Install Windows Subsystem for Linux, enable it, enable Ubuntu (or your favourite flavour) (check Windows App Store)
- Xbox (Beta) app
- Xbox Accessories app
- Install Fira-Code font:
choco install -y FiraCode-ttf
- Install Windows PowerToys (Preview):
choco install -y powertoys
- Razer Synapse 3
- Da Vinci Resolve 17 (Sign-up required)
- Change Disk Letters (eg, C:\, E:\=WD Green, G:\=Games, R:\=WD Red (RAIDED), V:\=VirtualMachines)
- DS4 Windows (a must have for PS controller users!)
- Steam ROM Manager
- https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/restore-old-right-click-context-menu-in-windows-11/a62e797c-eaf3-411b-aeec-e460e6e5a82a
- Steam Grid DB - add custom banners and logos for your non-steam games.