- 👨💼 I am a Data Engineer at XTEL.
- 📖 I graduated in Physics (Bachelor Degree) and Artificial Intelligence (Master Degree) at Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
- 🔭 I worked on predictive and prescriptive models (with focus on COVID-19 pandemic) as part of my Master's Degree thesis work
- Exploiting techniques integrating Deep Learning and Constrained Optimization
- Making use of Compartmental models, Lagrangian duality (optimization), Artificial Neural Networks and Empirical Model Learning
- 🌱 I’m currently working on AI predictive models in the field of FMCG/CPG.
- 💬 Ask me about my work:
- You can find it all here on GitHub 👇
- 📫 How to reach me: write me an email
- ⚡ Fun fact: I was born on Feb 29th!
Check out my repositories to know what I'm working on!
Some of my favourite projects:
- sir-npi: Development of a epidemiological predictive model to for my Master thesis to rely upon.
- pwp: Solving an optimization problem exploiting both CP (Constrained Programming) and SMT (Satisfaction Modulo Theories)
- neuralnet: Artificial neural network evaluation deploying OpenMP- and NVIDIA CUDA.
- Lostefra/TranslationCoherence: Assess quality of translations from/back different languages (using OWL and FRED)
- pos-tagging: An exercise on POS-tagging using different RNN models (LSTM, GRU)
- covid-logistic-bfgs: Fitting a logistic regression on COVID-19 data using BFGS optimization algorithm