# Install
gem install heroku
heroku create dino-deals-server
bundle install
heroku config:add geoloqi_client_id=YOUR_GEOLOQI_CLIENT_ID
heroku config:add geoloqi_client_secret=YOUR_GEOLOQI_CLIENT_SECRET
heroku config:add geoloqi_application_token=YOUR_GEOLOQI_APPLICATION_ACCESS_TOKEN
heroku config:add sqoot_affiliate_token=YOUR_SQOOT_AFFILIATE_TOKEN
Squoot is a paid service with a 30 day free trial. If you do not want to pay for Sqoot use Geoloqis affiliate token 3c5gx9
heroku addons:add cron:daily
git add .
git commit -am"Deploy DinoDeals Server"
git push heroku master