Have I been pwned?
Wrapper around the HaveIBeenPwned.com API written in Go
This is a work in progress
go get github.com/michaeltintiuc/hibpwned
Separate packages:
go get github.com/michaeltintiuc/hibpwned/pkg/pwd
Passing a plain-text password as an argument:
> hibpwned -p qwerty
Checking plain-text password
Your password was pwned 3599486 times
Passing a SHA-1 hash as an argument:
> hibpwned -h B1B3773A05C0ED0176787A4F1574FF0075F7521E
Checking SHA-1 password hash
Your password was pwned 3599486 times
Nerding out with same as above:
> hibpwned -h $(sha1sum<<(printf "%s" "qwerty"))
Checking SHA-1 password hash
Your password was pwned 3599486 times
Passing an email address:
>hibpwned -e test@example.com
[{"Title":"000webhost","Name":"000webhost","Domain":"000webhost.com","BreachDate":"2015-03-01","AddedDate":"2015-10-26T23:35:45Z","ModifiedDate":"2017-12-10T21:44:27Z","PwnCount":14936670,"Description":"In approximately March 2015, the free web hosting provider <a href=\"http://www.troyhunt.com/2015/10/breaches-traders-plain-text-passwords.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">000webhost suffered a major data breach</a> that exposed almost 15 million customer records. The data was sold and traded before 000webhost was alerted in October. The breach included names, email addresses and plain text passwords.","DataClasses":["Email addresses","IP addresses","Names","Passwords"],"IsVerified":true,"IsFabricated":false,"IsSensitive":false,"IsActive":true,"IsRetired":false,"IsSpamList":false,"LogoType":"png"}, ...]
Formatting raw JSON output with -f
>hibpwned -e test@example.com -f
Title: 000webhost
Domain: 000webhost.com
Date: 2015-03-01
Count: 14936670
Title: 8tracks
Domain: 8tracks.com
Date: 2017-06-27
Count: 7990619
Title: Adobe
Domain: adobe.com
Date: 2013-10-04
Count: 152445165
Passing additional parameters:
- domain
- truncated
- unverified
>hibpwned -e test@example.com -d example.com -t -u
For more info see: https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v2#BreachesForAccount