I am a French CS & mathematics student looking around for new technology to learn about ! The type of guy who likes to listen and ends up knowing a little bit of everything. I love to tinker with stuff, be it software or hardware, and the challenges that come with designing stuff from ground zero & foresee future development.
📫 You can contact me on Facebook, via email or on LinkedIn.
(auto-updating daily)
- sniprun - 2024-09-16
- vim-tips Misc improvement & licences - 2022-10-06
- libfprint-elan0c63-insecure probably insecure but working fingerprint driver - 2021-07-21
- github-profile-summary-cards - 2021-03-02
- auto-ytdl Small behavioral adjustment - 2021-02-19
Spend more time with friends and family. Go to concerts, go skiing, hiking, read, improve yet again my neovim configuration. Write blog posts, explore Github. Automate my workflow. Think about life. Play some new songs on the piano. Accumulate even more useless surface knowledge from reddit. Improve my touch-typing.
Some projects in other languages (C/C++, Java, and more) to keep my skills up-to-date.
Project ideas:
- Collaborate on KDE Connect / bluetooth connection
- Do some things on the Neovim side
- Planning optimization with travel time lookup and availability
- Create my own, good, music player (WIP)
- Hack around a fingerprint reader driver (done)