This repository contains the Dockerfile necessary to build 32-bit and 64-bit ARM Linux Docker images that contain all the necessary dependencies to build applications for RetroOZ.
The following applications have been tested to compile without needing to setup any extra dependencies:
Download the prebuilt image and run the Docker container using:
docker pull itsmica8/retrooz_dev:arm32
docker run --privileged -it --name retrooz32 itsmica8/retrooz_dev:arm32 bash
For example to build Retrorun, execute the following within the Docker container:
git clone
cd retrorun-go2-ogs
make config=release
Then execute this on your host OS to copy the resulting binary out of the Docker container and into your host OS:
docker cp retrooz32:/root/retrorun-go2-ogs/retrorun retrorun32
Download the prebuilt image and run the Docker container using:
docker pull itsmica8/retrooz_dev:arm64
docker run --privileged -it --name retrooz64 itsmica8/retrooz_dev:arm64 bash
For example to build Retrorun, execute the following within the Docker container:
git clone
cd retrorun-go2-ogs
make config=release
Then execute this on your host OS to copy the resulting binary out of the Docker container and into your host OS:
docker cp retrooz64:/root/retrorun-go2-ogs/retrorun retrorun
Execute the following on your machine:
git clone
cd retrooz_dev_docker
docker build . --platform linux/arm/v7 -t itsmica8/retrooz_dev:arm32
Execute the following on your machine:
git clone
cd retrooz_dev_docker
docker build . --platform linux/arm64 -t itsmica8/retrooz_dev:arm64