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Data Source: Instagram

Matt Holt edited this page Feb 17, 2019 · 1 revision

This data source adds your photos and videos from Instagram to your own timeline.

Listing Mode ⬜️ Download via API
✅ Import from file
Data Source ID instagram
Authentication None

Obtaining the data file from Instagram

  1. Log into Instagram on web
  2. Go to "Edit Profile"
  3. Click "Privacy and Security" in the menu
  4. Scroll down to "Data Download" and click "Request Download"
  5. Make sure to request your download. Once you are emailed your download link, download the zip file.

You may leave the downloaded zip file alone; no need to extract it.

Importing Instagram media

If you haven't done so already, add your Instagram account:

$ timeliner add-account instagram/your_handle

Then just import the zip file:

$ timeliner import /path/to/ instagram/your_handle


  • Instagram's API was basically turned off in 2018, and the only Graph API support as of 2019 is very limited and only for business accounts and won't meet Timeliner's needs. So the only way is through importing from an archive.

  • Very little information and metadata is available with each item. (At least the integration was simple!)

Note: Timeliner does not duplicate or replace the functionality of Instagram.