Final Project for the Master Course "Mathematical Optimisation" A.Y. 2022/2023 Spring Semester. Implementation of a model of mixed-integer linear programming from Mendes, A. B., & e Alvelos, F. P. (2023). Iterated local search for the placement of wildland fire suppression resources. European Journal of Operational Research, 304(3), 887-900,
Other than some very common libraries, in this project networkX (v3.1) has been used. To install it:
!pip install networkx #v3.1
Other libraries used:
- gurobipy #v10.0.2
- time
- pickle
- csv
- matplotlib
- random
- pickle
- numpy
- copy
- logging
- os
It contains all the necessary to run the Iterated Local Search algorithm for the placement of wildland fire suppression resources. See the file within the folder to get further information.
Script to generate a dataset following the specification introduced in the paper. It contains a function to generate a single square graph, given the dimension and weights' intervals, and a function to build up a dataset containing all the created graph and other metadata.
Script that solve the presented optimisation problem by using gurobi. Running the script solves two problem given a dataset, each for a different number of resources used. It contains a function to optimize the model and write down the solution, given a dataset (from and a setup (5 or 6 resources), moreover you can set use_reduced_dataset flag to optimize only the first 24 insances (i.e. skipping the last 8 which for the default dataset correspond to 30x30 size grids). With the "write_solutions" set to true, you can write for each instance the gurobi models and respective solutions (NOTE: MAKE SURE THAT YOUR FOLDERS STRUCTURE FOLLOWS THE OUTPUT FILES PATH) Furthermore, the fire_resource_placement_model function returns a gurobi model such as presented in the paper. It takes in input the setup and a single instance from the previous dataset, along with corresponding metadata. Moreover, you can set the use_reduced_dataset flag to implement and optimise only the first 24 instances, instead of all 32 (excluding 30x30 size instances).
This script run all the previously presented steps sequentially, in order to get the dataset, therefore the gurobi and ILS results. If you want to get the default dataset and corresponding results, just run this script. Note that it might take a long time (e.g. about 6 days each time, in my case).