A simple Facebook and Twitter Scraper that search information using public interfaces (without authentication) on Facebook and Twitter. Retrieve Basic user information that later can be checked using an User RESTFUL API built using Flask Framework (http://flask.pocoo.org/) and Sqlalchemy (http://www.sqlalchemy.org/)
Python 2.7.x
Create a virtual with:
mkvirtualenv flaskapi workon flaskapi
Install requirements file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run unit test suite:
python manage.py test
Create database:
python manage.py syncdb
Index facebook users by command line
- Fill data.txt file with terms that want to search.
- pyton manage.py index_facebook
Index twitter users by command line
- Fill data.txt file with terms that want to search.
- pyton manage.py index_twitter
Run Rest API: python manage.py runserver
A REST interface that serves client request for username the root of the API will be:
A GET call to get user list:
curl localhost:5000/social-scraper/api/v1.0/users/
Will return:
{u'user_list': [{u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100003958401468', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100001491026412', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100003038015381', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100000732003283', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100003822890655', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100004671217557', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100003620553914', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100005912768970', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'100001897464570', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': None, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'550106197', u'description': u''}, {u'popularity_index': 157, u'source': u'Facebook', u'username': u'JhonSmithJs', u'description': u''}]}
A POST request will get or create an user or user that match with the search term:
curl -X POST localhost:5000/social-scraper/api/v1.0/users/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username": "JhonSmithJs"}'
Will return:
"user_list": [
"description": "",
"popularity_index": 157,
"source": "Twitter",
"username": "JhonSmithJs"