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dustapprox -- A tool for computing approximative extinction coefficients

This is a set of tools to compute photometric extinction coefficients in a quick and dirty way.

full documentation at:

Quick Start

import pandas as pd
from dustapprox import models
from dustapprox.literature import edr3
import pylab as plt

# get Gaia models
lib = models.PrecomputedModel()
r = lib.find(passband='Gaia')[0]  # taking the first one
model = lib.load_model(r, passband='GAIA_GAIA3.G')

# get some data
data = pd.read_csv('models/precomputed/kurucs_gaiaedr3_small_a0_grid.csv')
df = data[(data['passband'] == 'GAIA_GAIA3.G') & (data['A0'] > 0)]

# values
kg_pred = model.predict(df)


  • Installation from PyPI
pip install dustapprox
  • Installation from pip+github
pip install git+
  • Manual installation

download the repository and run the setup

git clone
python install


  • Morgan Fouesneau (@mfouesneau)
  • René Andrae
  • Rosanna Sordo
  • Thavisha Dharmawardena


Please open a new issue or new pull request for bugs, feedback, or new features you would like to see. If there is an issue you would like to work on, please leave a comment, and we will be happy to assist. New contributions and contributors are very welcome!