Testing / Development environment for AWS Athena queries
This repo comes with default config to spin up:
- presto
- postgresql and its connector
So you only have to docker-compose up
and use the Presto CLI to access
./presto --server localhost:8080 --catalog postgresql --schema public
The postgres database is exposing post 5433 so this can be used to populate the database. 5433 was chosen rather than the default (5432) in order to avoid clashing with local postgresql servers. NB - inside the docker container, the postgres server is still on 5432! In spite of what presto might tell you it exists with the user presto and default schema 'public'
The docs
List docker containers
docker ps
Go to command line in postgres container
docker exec -it athena_testbench_postgres_1 /bin/bash
Go to command line in presto container
docker exec -it athena_testbench_presto_1 /bin/bash
- Presto Docs
- Python presto library - https://github.com/prestodb/presto-python-client
- Python postgresql library - https://github.com/tlocke/pg8000
- https://github.com/Jimexist/docker-presto