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This folder contains a demo for the IETF draft MQTT-TLS profile of ACE (

The demo consists of:

  1. Express Node.js based Authorisation Server (AS)
  2. Mosquitto Client extensions
  3. Mosquitto Broker auth_plugin extensions explains the design choices and limitations of this prototype implementation.

Important note: To secure the AS additional steps need to be taken, which depends on the particular deployment environment.

Build instructions

Running the ACE AS server

(Prerequisite: MongoDB installation -

  1. Inside the AS folder, install all the dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a ca certificate and secret key, and place it under a folder named app_files (for an example for how to create certificates with openssl, see:
  2. To start the server:
npm start

Note: Make sure your mongodb server is running before starting.

By default, this starts a server at localhost, port 3001 (in the case of http) and port 8001 (in the case of https) if different ports are not defined in the config file.

  1. The list of configuration options in the config file as_config.json are:
  "host": "<host_address>",
  "port": "<port_number>",
  "port_https": "<https_port_number>",
  "security": {
    "tokenLife": "<time in seconds>",
    "clientSecretLife": "<time in months>",
    "sessionSecret": "<secret string>"
    "uri": "<mongodb uri>"
  1. Example curl tests for client and resource owner API are under tests/ directory.

Running the Mosquitto broker

  1. Prerequisite: install openssl
  2. Clone mosquitto from the git repo linked at
    In the mosquitto folder:
  3. Run:
cmake .

This will create a folder called CMakeFiles and a file CMakeCache.txt.
4. Run:

  1. This make may fail, if openssl installation is not in default folders. Then, in the CMakeCache.txt, update the OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY:FILEPATH, OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH and OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY:FILEPATH to the appropriate paths for your installation.
  2. In the src folder, run:

to run the broker.

Running the mosquitto_auth_plugin

Clone directly from We try to keep up-to-date with upstream. Or, do the following:

  1. Clone the repository in
  2. You will use the ace_auth_plug folder to patch the plugin.
  3. In your mosquitto-auth-plug folder:
  1. Edit the (see the config file under ace_auth_plug - make sure BACKEND_MEMCACHED?=no otherwise, it throws an error)
  • Add BACKEND_ACE ?=yes
  • Specify MOSQUITTO_SRC and OPENSSLDIR paths.
  1. The ace_auth_plug.patch makes the following changes to the Makefile (see an example under ace_auth_plug):
  • Add to OBJS the following keyword: token-cache.o
  • Add:
ifneq ($(BACKEND_ACE), no)
        BACKENDS += -DBE_ACE

        BE_LDADD += -lcurl
        OBJS += be-ace.o nxjson.o
  • Modify OSSLIBS=-L$(OPENSSLDIR)/lib -lssl -lcrypto
  • Modify : $(OBJS) $(BE_DEPS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -fPIC -shared -undefined dynamic_lookup -o $@ $(OBJS) $(BE_DEPS) $(LDADD)
  • Add token-cache.o: token-cache.h token-cache.c uthash.h Makefile
  • Add be-ace.o: be-ace.c be-ace.h Makefile backends.h nxjson.h nxjson.c token-cache.h token-cache.c
  1. ace_auth_plug.patch also creates be-ace.c, be-ace.h, token-cache.c, token-cache.h, nxjson.h and nxjson.c as new files. These files are also under ace_auth_plug folder.
  2. You can patch your folder using ace_auth_plug.patch or apply changes manually. (The patch has been created against 30/01/2018 of the git repo.)
    patch < ace_auth_plug.patch
  1. Run make.
  2. After a successful make, a shared object called is created which you will reference in the mosquitto.conf. So, make sure you copy/maintain in the location referenced by the mosquitto.conf.

Running the mosquitto broker with the auth plugin

To start the mosquitto broker at localhost:

  1. Register the mosquitto broker with ACE AS server using api/client/dyn_client_reg endpoint (see mqtt_ace_as/tests folder, for an example). This will return client_id and client secret to be used to set auth_opt_http_basic_auth_key in mosquitto.conf in Step 2.
  2. Update the mosquitto.conf file as explained below. See the mosquitto.conf file under this directory as an example to how to modify the configuration file. In summary:
  • Set the port to 8883
  • Sets the cafile and/or capath
  • Set the certfile
  • Set the keyfile
  • Set tls_version to tlsv1.2
  • Set require_certificate to false (This is a client certificate requirement)
  • Set log_dest to stdout (or a place of your choice)
  • Set allow_anonymous to false
  • Set auth_plugin to auth_plugin location
  • Set auth_opt_backends to ace
  • Set auth_opt_http_ip to
  • Set auth_opt_http_port to 8001 (This is where the ACE AS HTTPS endpoints run)
  • Set auth_opt_http_getuser_uri to /api/rs/introspect
  • Set auth_opt_http_with_tls true
  • Set auth_opt_http_basic_auth_key to broker's client_id:client secret in base 64 encoding
  1. Change to src folder and run
./mosquitto -c ../mosquitto.conf -v

Running the ACE-mosquitto clients

  1. From mosquitto_client apply client_shared_source.patch and client_shared_header.patch in the mosquitto/client folder. Run make again in this folder.
  2. Register a pub and a sub client with ACE AS server using api/client/dyn_client_reg endpoint (see mqtt_ace_as/tests folder, for an example).
  3. Both clients need to get an ACE access token from the AS using the token endpoint (see mqtt_ace_as/tests folder, for an example). For the token endpoint to return a ticket, the resource owner must have set policies for the pub/sub client for the requested topic (see mqtt_ace_as/tests folder for an example.)
  4. If it is not already started, start the mosquitto broker; start the AS.
  5. See under client_files examples of how to call the pub/sub clients: ace_script_pub and ace_script_sub - username: token, password: PoP key
  6. Start the subscriber client (see script ace_script_sub). Subscriber client stays connected.
  7. Start the publisher client (see script ace_script_pub). Publisher client disconnects after publishing.


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