This C++ library is intended to support the following scenarios with enhanced screen UI:
- Integrated with meshtastic firmware for LoRa devices with TFT display (or potentially also OLED +PSRAM)
- Stand-alone TFT+MCU devices such as WT32-SC01, CYD or T-HMI connected with meshtastic LoRa devices
- Linux based devices with LoRa shield, e.g Raspberry Pi, Meshstick, Milk-V Duo/Mars with TFT display (hat or diy)
- Native Linux X11 application with SimRadio e.g. for tests, GUI simulation & debugging (MQTT only application)
Vectors and icons by SVG Repo
Graphics using LVGL library
- [ ] Overall design (MVC approach)
- [x] DisplayDriver inheritance hierarchy
- [x] DisplayDriver factory
- [x] TFT Driver
- [ ] OLED Driver
- [ ] E-Ink Driver
- [x] View hierarchy
- [x] View factory
- [x] Controller design and interface implementation
- [x] Controller <-> model interface
- [x] Packet based thread safe interface
- [x] serial communication interface
- [x] protobuf encoding/decoding
- [x] Logging interface
- [x] Add lvgl compatible input driver interface
- [x] Add interface for persistency
- [x] Screen calibration data
- [x] Device settings (General)
- [x] Message storage
- [ ] Serial connection config
- [x] Dynamic behavior
- [x] Startup config
- [x] Restart behavior
- [x] Display sleep
- [x] Heartbeat timer based on device input actions
- [x] Localisation support
- [x] German translation
- [x] Spanish translation
- [x] Portuguese translation
- [x] Swedish translation
- [x] Norwegian translation
- [x] Finnish translation
- [x] Polish translation
- [x] Portuguese translation
- [x] Netherlands translation
- [x] Dutch translation
- [x] Italian translation
- [x] French translation
- [x] Russian translation
- [x] Slovenian translation
- [x] Turkish translation
- [x] Greek translation
- [ ] Support dynamic OLED / Color(TFT) selection
- [x] Add support for UI scaling and try eliminate fixed positioning (lvgl v9)
- [x] Allow co-existence of generated files/views by different eez-studio projects
- [ ] Fix PSRAM draw buffer issue and do buffer size optimization
- [ ] Native lvgl driver support
- [ ] TFT drivers
- [ ] OLED drivers
- [ ] lvgl native driver DMA double-buffering
- [ ] E-Ink support
- [ ] RP2040 support
- [x] Boot screen
- [ ] Customizable boot screen
- [x] Home Screen
- [x] Messages info
- [x] Nodes info
- [x] GPS info
- [x] WiFi info
- [x] Time and Data
- [x] MQTT info
- [x] SD card info
- [x] Free memory info
- [ ] Nodes panel
- [x] Scroll display and sorting
- [x] Node details
- [x] Position data
- [x] Telemetry data display
- [ ] Repeater support (manual insertion)
- [ ] LastHeard & time source handling improvements
- [ ] Remote Node configuration
- [x] Filter (offline, unknown, channel, public key, position, hops away, by name)
- [x] Highlight (position, telemetry, IAQ, by name)
- [x] Group channel panel
- [x] Chat panel
- [x] Scroll container and messages display
- [x] Virtual keyboard
- [x] Message acknowledgement
- [x] Delete chat
- [x] Map
- [x] Tiles dynamic loading
- [x] SD card
- [ ] WLAN
- [x] Pan & Zoom
- [x] Node locations
- [ ] Location precision
- [ ] Settings
- [ ] Basic Settings
- [x] User name
- [x] Region
- [x] Modem Preset
- [x] Channel
- [x] Device Role
- [x] Screen Timeout
- [x] Screen Calibration
- [x] Screen Lock
- [x] Brightness
- [x] Input Control
- [x] Message Alert / Ringtones
- [x] Language
- [ ] Timezone
- [x] Maps
- [ ] Audio
- [x] NodeDB / Factory Reset
- [x] Reboot / Shutdown
- [ ] Advanced Settings
- [ ] General Settings
- [ ] Radio Settings
- [ ] Module Settings
- [x] Status bar with battery symbol
- [x] UI Keyboard navigation & control
- [x] Latin supplemental fonts
- [X] Cyrillic font glyphs
- [x] Firmware project integration
- [x] T-Deck UI
- [x] 320x240 scalable view
- [x] GPS position
- [x] Radio frequency display
- [x] Offline map display
- [x] I2C keyboard input handling
- [x] Trackball support (e.g. fast scrolling list views)
- [x] SD card support, mainly for offline maps or import/export (keys and channels)
- [ ] load custom fonts from SD card
- [x] disable screen to temporarily allow other connection (USB serial, BT) to the device
- [x] allow bluetooth connection via 'Programming Mode'
- [ ] I2S Audio support
📟 DIY Mesh-Tab (see
- [x] Mesh-Tab firmware support (320x240 and 320x480)
- [x] Generic LGFX Display driver
- [x] platformio.ini integration
- [x] XPT2046 touch driver
- [x] FT6236 touch driver
- [x] 320x240 landscape view
- [x] 3.2" TN TFT ST7789 display + XPT2046 touch driver (resistive)
- [x] 3.2" IPS TFT ILI9341 display + XPT2046 touch driver (resistive)
- [x] 3.2" IPS TFT ILI9341 display + FT6236 touch driver (capacitive)
- [x] 240x480 portrait view (scaled)
- [x] 3.5" TN TFT ST7789 display + XPT2046 touch driver (resistive)
- [x] 3.5" IPS TFT ILI9341 display + XPT2046 touch driver (resistive)
- [x] 3.5" IPS TFT ILI9488 display + FT6236 touch driver (capacitive)
- [x] 4.0" IPS TFT ILI9488 display + FT6236 touch driver (capacitive)
- [x] PWM buzzer
- [ ] SD card support (resistive displays)
- [ ] SD card support (capacitive displays)
- [ ] T-Watch UI
- [ ] 240x240 View
- [ ] Clock screen
- [ ] Firmware project integration
- [ ] Continue work on eez-studio UI screens
- [ ] Refactoring of common code with 320x240 view into base class
- [ ] Provide demo for OLED 128x64 screen
- [ ] Space and RAM requirements analysis
- [x] Project integration into firmware
- [x] Display driver run-time configuration interface
- [x] Add missing settingsMap entries for DisplayDriverConfig
- [x] Integrate lvgl keyboard input driver
- [x] Add support for several SPI devices
- [ ] Add pwm brightness control
- [ ] IP address display (eth/wlan)
- [x] Target environment cleanup
- [x] Dedicated device-ui project
- [ ] Sunton/EstarDyn CYD support (320x240) Note: no longer working due to insufficient memory
- [x] LilyGo T-HMI support (320x240)
- [x] Replicator support (esp32 + nrf52 radio)
- [x] Display driver
- [X] 480x480 view -> scaled 320x240
- [x] WT32-SC01 (Plus) support (480x320)
- [x] Display driver
- [x] 480x320 view -> scaled 320x240
- [ ] image size reduction
- [ ] Fix/Workaround serial light sleep UART reading issue (-> firmware)
- [ ] Heartbeat timer improvements
- [x] Serial data send/receive
- [x] UART connection support
- [ ] WLAN connection support
- [ ] Bluetooth connection support
- [ ] Serial Interface configuration UI screen
- [ ] Allow serial connection initialisation at runtime