Marketplace release v7.3.0
- We upgraded the module to Mendix 9.24.0
- We added support for React client, introduced as public beta in Mendix 10.7.0. As part of this, we updated all dropdown widgets to the new Combo Box widget.
- We updated Atlas Core module compatibility to v3.12.3 to replace the Static image widget with the Image widget.
- We updated Data Widgets module compatibility to v2.19.1
- We updated Switch widget compatibility to v4.2.1
- We excluded the snippets related to hybrid mobile, since hybrid mobile apps are deprecated as of Mendix 9 and cannot be used when React client is enabled. If your app still uses the hybrid mobile profile, you can include the snippets manually after importing the module.
- Make sure that you have the Combo Box widget installed in your project. If you do not already have it, you can download it from the marketplace.
- When importing the module in Mendix 10.6.0 or above, you might get consistency error CE6087 for renamed design properties. Right-click and update all renamed design properties in the project.