- Node v20 or above - https://nodejs.org/en/download
- Cypress v13 or above - https://docs.cypress.io/guides/getting-started/installing-cypress
git clone https://github.com/membersuite-private/AutomationTemplate.git
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
On file cypress.config.js
you can define what environment the tests are going to run.
To do that you need uncomment the baseUrl
you are going to use
//baseUrl: "https://mrpbpag.users.green.membersuite.com",
npx cypress open
Choose what browser do you want to use to run the tests than click in Start E2E Testing in <browser>
Choose which test plan do you want to run clicking on a specific module.spec.js or run all tests clicking Run 12 specs
npx cypress run --env grep="[PURPLE]"
npx cypress run --env grep="[GREEN]"
npx cypress run --env grep="[PRODUCTION]"