This content will (eventually) be mirrored on my site:
This repo will be mainly about the Swift language. I have another repo with small iOS projects
Swift 5.x compatible
- Basics | Colors | Date and Time | Sorting | Strings | Functional Swift
- Collections: Arrays | Dictionaries | Sets |
Common types: Int, String, Bool, CGFloat, Double, Float
let is used to declare immutable values, while var is used to declare mutable variables.
let language = "Swift" // Immutable String
var i = 0 // mutable Int
i += 1
var x:CGFloat = 2
var name:String
let max:Int
max = 99
var isDone = false // Bool
let fuel = 9
let msg:String // Must assign in all cases
if fuel < 10 {
msg = "Fuel dangerously low: \(fuel)"
} else if fuel < 50 {
msg = "Fuel low: \(fuel)"
} else {
msg = "Fuel OK"
let color = Bool.random() ? "red" : "black"
switch ticker {
case "AAPL":
case "GOOGL":
case "MSFT":
for i in 0..<10 {
for i in 0...9 {
for company in ["Apple", "Google", "Microsoft"] {
func add1(i:Int) -> Int { i + 1 } // return word not needed if we have 1 expression
let r0 = add1(i: 1) // 2
Same function but add _ to not need a named parameter
func add1(_ i:Int) -> Int { i + 1 } // return word not needed if we have 1 expression
let r0 = add1(1) // 2
func bestLanguage() -> (String, Int) {
return ("Swift", 1)
let (language, rank) = bestLanguage()
let rnd = Int.random(in: 0...1) // 0 or 1
Bool.random() // true or false
Int.random(in: 20...29) // Random in range 20 through 29
Float.random(in: 0...1) // Random between 0 and 1
[1,2,3].randomElement() // random Array element
Set([1,2,3]).randomElement() // random Set element
Sometimes, it's better to shuffle an Array then simply iterate of the result to get a random element. This allows each element to be chosen at random exactly once.
let shuffled = [1,2,3].shuffled()