I am working for Oracle Labs, in the Micronaut team, where I contribute mostly around the Micronaut Gradle plugin, Micronaut AOT and Micronaut Test Resources.
As a member of the GraalVM team, I am involved in the development of the Native Build Tools.
I have always been interested in developer tooling and developer productivity, so I participated in several OSS projects, most notably Apache Groovy, where I contributed the static compiler and Gradle, where I worked several years on improving developer productivity, in particular in the domain of dependency management.
I'm blogging at melix.github.io/blog mostly about what I work for, mostly in English, but it may happen that you see me blogging in french and talking about other topics like politics or astrophotography.
You can also check out my Astrobin profile for astrophotography 🔭 !
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