Full Stack Assessment Taker App with Angular 15 & Spring Boot 3 : Angular, Tailwindcss, Postgresql, Hibernate, Spring Security
- Tailwind design
- Full responsiveness
- JWT authentication
- Role base authentication
- Active account by email verification
- Brute Force Attack for secure account
- Image upload using Cloudinary CDN
- Client form validation and handling using angular forms validator
- Server exception handling
- Create, update, delete assessment for user
- Assign question to specific assessment
- User can take assessment and get reward
- Leader board for user
- User can update profile
- Forgot password implementation
- Node version 14.x
- Java jdk version 17
git clone https://github.com/mehedi008h/assessment-test.git
git clone https://github.com/mehedi008h/assessment-taker-frontend.git
npm install or yarn