Find whether inputed string is palindrome ( you could read it from the left to the right same as right-to-left). Script does not works with any punctuation symbols. Works for only alphabetic symbols.
I wrote this script for one of my job reviews.
Licensed MIT.
It will test given string for palindrome. If it so, this function will output full given string.
For given input:
$pal->testString('Sum summus mus'); // tests
Sum summus mus
If the full string is not a palindrome, but it contains a palindromes it will output longest of inner palidnromes.
To do so class uses it's protected method findLongestPalindrome($str);
This functions calls another public method getSubstrings($wordsArray);
which returns all possible substrings for given words array.
Make sure to filter and preserve only unique values, as the function will return many empty strings and many repeats.
$allPossibleSubstrings = array_filter(array_unique($this->getSubstrings($words)));
For given input:
$pal->testString('Аргентина манит негра раз А роза упала на лапу Азора два три'); // tests
А роза упала на лапу Азора
If given string does not contains a palindrome this method will output only the first character of string.
For given input:
$pal->testString('Тестируем не палиндром'); // tests
protected function isPalindrome($str);
Return values :
bool (true)
if given string is fully a palindrome
bool (false)
if other
public function getSubstrings($wordsArray, &$substrings = array());
protected function findLongestPalindrome($str);
Return: String contains only longest found palindrome.
- First you need to include class file to the project
require_once ('Palindrome.php'); // load class file
- Then set internal encoding to UTF-8.
mb_internal_encoding('utf8'); // set encoding for UTF-8
- Create class instance
$pal = new Palindrome(); // create new object for palindrome
- Use it
$pal->testString("Аргентина манит негра"); // tests
$pal->testString('Sum summus mus'); // tests
$pal->testString('Тестируем не палиндром'); // tests
$pal->testString('Аргентина манит негра раз А роза упала на лапу Азора два три'); // tests
Given inputs will output the following:
Аргентина манит негра
Sum summus mus
А роза упала на лапу Азора