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Script for renaming files in a digital video collection. Automatically fetches episode titles from the web.

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TV Series Renamer v2.x

This is an ugly Perl script for tidying up the file-names in large collections of video files that belong to television and anime series. Key features:

  • Automatically finds episode titles on the web
  • Understands a massive variety of untidy filenames
  • Very customisable
  • Completely automatic!

The default behaviour [1] renames all files in the current directory based on the name of that directory. For instance:

Battlestar Galactica
`-- Season 4
    |-- Battlestar.Galactica.S04E02.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD.mkv
    `-- Battlestar.Galactica.S04E03.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv

Running in this directory will do the following:

TV Series Renamer v2.51
Released 07 June 2010
Detected series name 'Battlestar Galactica' (Season 4)
Reading input in AutoFetch mode from
Fetching document ... [Done]
Generating changes...[Done]

Proposed changes:

4x02 - Six of One (2).mkv
4x03 - The Ties That Bind.mkv

Would you like to proceed with renaming? [y/N/?]: ?

Proposed changes:

/--  Battlestar.Galactica.S04E02.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD.mkv
\->  4x02 - Six of One (2).mkv

/--  Battlestar.Galactica.S04E03.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv
\->  4x03 - The Ties That Bind.mkv


Would you like to proceed with renaming? [y/N/?]: n

If you prefer S04E02 over 4x02, add the --scheme=SXXEYY option to your command line to get results as follows:

S04E02 - Six of One (2).mkv
S04E03 - The Ties That Bind.mkv

And if you hate spaces in filenames because you're a Unix/Solaris veteran, you can use --unixy and --separator=_ to get the following:


There are a great many other options. To give you a taste, here is the full list at the time this README was written:

TV Series Renamer v2.51
Released 07 June 2010
Usage: ../../../trunk/ [OPTIONS] [FILE|URL|-]

Renames files in the current directory using data provided, or attempts a
search on the web and uses resulting data.

Non-URL input is expected to have been copy'n'pasted from Firefox, from any of
the sites listed below:

Input options:
 --AutoFetch        Search sites automatically (no need to provide input)
 --AutoDetect       Systematically try each format below (input required)
 --AniDB            Assume input is in format
 --TVtorrents       Assume input is in format
 --TVtome           Assume input is in format
 --TV               Assume input is in format
 --TV2              Assume input is in "All Seasons" format
 --EpGuides         Assume input is in format

 Note: If you don't specify an input source, text files with names derived from
 the above will be tried in turn (AniDB.txt, TVtorrents.txt, ...). Failing this
 any .url or .desktop files will be scanned and the first URL found will be
 used. Hence you can put an internet shortcut in the current directory as a

 --search=TV      | Which group of sites to search? TV is the default unless
 --search=anime   | the word "anime" appears somewhere in the current path
 -                  Use STDIN (don't look for URL shortcuts or input files)

Formatting options:
 --scheme=X         Episode number format. One of: SXXEYY, sXXeYY, XxYY, XYY,

 Note: Numbers are "padded" with zeros to fit all numbers, so if 9 or
 less episodes are listed on your source website, you will have 1-digit
 numbers, 10-99 -> 2-digit numbers, 100-999 -> 3-digit, ...

 --pad=X            Pad episode number to X digits. (EG --pad=3 : ep8 -> ep008)

 Note: If you do not specify --nogroup / --group the default behaviour is
 dependant on the type of series being renamed. Anime defaults to --group and
 everything else to --nogroup. You can force Anime/Other with the --search

 --nogroup          Do not (attempt to) preserve group tags (EG: '[AnCo]')
 --group            Attempt to preserve group tags (EG: '[AnCo]')
 --dontgroup        Don't treat groups specially. Useful when the
                    episode-number is surrounded by square brackets (EG:
 --dogroup          Opposite of --dontgroup

 --nogap            Do not place a gap between series name and episode number
 --gap              Force gap, useful when --nogap is automatically applied
 --gap=X            Use custom gap, perhaps to enable use of other scripts
 --separator=X      Text to go between episode number and title (EG " - ")
 --unixy            Replace spaces with underscores (usually other way around)
 --cleanup          Don't require input, just clean-up names

Specifying data to use:
 --season=X         Override season detection
 --series=X         Uses X as a prefix (enclose in quotes for best results)
 --exclude-series   Don't include the series name in the new filename, ever
 --include-series   Overrides the above setting, incase you set it default
 --chdir=X          Specify a directory to rename. If specified multiple times
                    all but last are ignored.

 Note: If neither of the above two settings are used, the default behaviour
 is to drop the series name when the directories are structured in a manner
 like "SeriesName/Season 1" or "SeriesName/Series 1"

 --autoseries       Use series title from input (useful when automatic
                     searching is disabled)
 --noautoseries     Do not use series title from input, even when available
 --rangemin=X       Discard input titles before X
 --rangemax=X       Discard input titles after X
 --autoranging      Discard input after a large gap (~50) in episode numbers
 --noautoranging    Never discard input due to gaps in numbering
 --dubious          Treat epNums like "234", "1234" as "2x34", "12x34"
 --nodubious        Do normal matching (In case you set --dubious by default)
 --preproc=X        Evaluate some PERL, X, before altering internal filename
 --postproc=X       Evaluate some PERL, X, before altering external filename
                     * The current filename is stored in $_.
                     * EG: --preproc='s/Samurai7/Samurai 7/;' to conform names
                     * EG: --postproc='s/Chapter \d+//;' to strip "Chapter XX"

Choosing how to interact:
 --detailed         Show 'before -> after' (not just 'after') in proposal
 --show-missing     List episodes not present in your collection
 --interactive      Manually select each change to be applied
 --unattended       Assume NO for all user prompts except "Make changes?"
 --nofilter         Don't filter file extensions by
 --reversible       Create undo script ("" or "unrename.bat")
 --debug            Display debugging info (data extracted from input etc)
 --ANSI             Enable ANSI escape sequences (used for colouring text)
 --noANSI           Disable colour (use if you see gibberish)

Maniuplating technical behaviour:
 --cache            Use/create .cache files to save 15min chunks of bandwidth
 --nocache          Do no make or use .cache files, always fetch the URL

Windows-specific functionality:

 This will add or remove "Use TV Renamer Script" to the right-click menu of
 video folders in windows. It does this by adding/removing a key in the

Standard GNU stuff:
 --version          Display version & release date
 --help             Display this help message

 (all options are case-insensitive)

 Note: You can specify these switches, one per line, in a .tvrenamerrc file in
 your home directory for convenience

 Please consult source code comments for more detailed help
 Docs & Updates:

 Report bugs to, I love the attention

Using the docker image

Add the directory containing tvrenamer (a shell script without an extension) to your system's $PATH environment variable, so you can call it from anywhere.

export "PATH=$PATH:$PWD"
cd 'test_suite/EpGuides_commas/First Love, Second Chance'

Building docker image



cpanm Carton                # Install dependency manager
carton install              # Use dependency manager to install libraries into ./local/
carton exec    # Use dependency manager to load libraries from ./local/

# alternative to carton exec
perl -I./local/lib/perl5

Building Windows executables

Install and run

cpanm Carton
carton install
carton install --cpanfile cpanfile.Win32
carton install pp
[1]I know the internet speaks US English, but this is my README :-)