- Create a User with the Admin Role.
- The Admin can view the list of Users and could edit and delete their content. Registration for frontend users. The User details are,
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number ( Enter only UK numbers)
- Date of birth
- Password
- Country (default UK)
- Subscription For (either of type: story, comment, poll) Once the user is registered,
- send out a welcome email to verify their email address.
- pull the top 10 objects of type for which the user has subscribed, from the api https://hn.algolia.com/api and save in db against the user.
- Verified Users need to see a list of contents to which they have subscribed for. - Verified Users would also be able to see the detail of the Content. (Eg: author, story_text )
- PHP 7.2 or greater
- CodeIgniter 4
- Bootstrap
Please follow these instructions to set up your development environment:
- Rename env to .env
- Run "composer update"
- Create a database name called web_db
- Set db user name & password in .env ( database.default.username & database.default.password )
- Import web_db.sql from the cloned repo. It contains the admin user info as well
- Run "php spark serve" in your cloned repo
- This will open a development server http://localhost:8080/ and open this url in your browser
- Admin login email & password => test@example.com | 123456789
- Upon the successful registration of the user, I am writing email content to the log file. You can find email HTML data from there [writable/logs]. The email will contain the verification email link.