Write a simple Zoo simulator which contains 3 different types of animal: monkey, giraffe and elephant. The zoo should open with 5 of each type of animal.
Each animal has a health value held as a percentage (100% is completely healthy). Every animal starts at 100% health. This value should be a floating-point value.
The application should act as a simulator, with time passing at the rate of 1 hour with each iteration. Every hour that passes, a random value between 0 and 20 is to be generated for each animal. This value should be passed to the appropriate animal, whose health is then reduced by that percentage of their current health.
The user must be able to feed the animals in the zoo. When this happens, the zoo should generate three random values between 10 and 25; one for each type of animal. The health of the respective animals is to be increased by the specified percentage of their current health. Health should be capped at 100%.
When an Elephant has a health below 70% it cannot walk. If its health does not return above 70% once the subsequent hour has elapsed, it is pronounced dead.
When a Monkey has a health below 30%, or a Giraffe below 50%, it is pronounced dead straight away.
The user interface should show the current status of each Animal and contain two buttons, one to provoke an hour of time to pass and another to feed the zoo. The UI should update to reflect each change in state, and the current time at the zoo.
- PHP 7.2 or greater
- Laravel 6
- Bootstrap
Please follow these instructions to set up your development environment:
- Rename .env.example to .env
- composer update
- sudo chmod -R 0777 storage
- Set db user name & password in .env ( DB_USERNAME & DB_PASSWORD )
- php artisan make:database
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan config:cache
- php artisan serve