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automata edited this page May 22, 2012 · 7 revisions


Native modules (non-iframe)

  • Math
  • LFO, Filters (Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass), Reverb, Delay, Amp, Envelopes, Osciloscopes, ...
  • Metronome / Timer
  • Bang
  • Sliders (gui.dat?)
  • Buttons
  • Toggles
  • Pads
  • Knobs ( ?)
  • Live code editor
    • main purpose of automata's GSoC proposal. more discussion in the pad.
    • input: parameters from sliders/buttons/pads/etc
    • output: code (updated on source change events)


  • Web Audio API / MediaStreams API (native, probably, see above)

  • WebRTC

    • input: cam/mic from user
    • output: video canvas/audio streams.
  • An audio sampler

    • description: just like we create GIFs stealing images from web, we can create new audio files stealing sound samples from the web
    • input: sound samples from soundcloud
    • output: soundcloud
  • WebPD

    • input: maybe the same of audiolet
    • output: idem
  • Audiolet

    • input: json dsp chains and parameter control
    • output: bpm, beat, ...
  • Vivace

    • input: vivace DSL for music composition
    • output: JS

    • description: a permutation generation from Renato Fabbri, interesting to control sequencer parameters
    • input: some params for permutations (we have to understand better)
    • output: permutations
  • mike.js


  • Image composite (forresto working on this)

  • Comic book creator (maybe could be an app using a image-mosaic module + add-text module)

    • input: images as single or animated frames
    • output: imgur/facebook
  • Recursive drawing / CFL

  • Popcorn.js

    • input: parameters, series of events
    • output: video
  • VJ (maybe could be an app)

    • input: images and beats
    • output: images, GIFs
  • Colors Are Awesome


Communication with external services

  • Twitter

    • input: a twitter id, a search string
    • output: last twits
  • Flickr

    • input: a flickr id, a search string
    • output: N images
  • Facebook

    • input: a facebook id
    • output: friends, friends' photos
  • IRC reader

    • description: that's useful to play notes/patterns from IRC
    • input: read messages from IRC channels
    • output: text/tags/stats from msgs
  • Meteor based collaborative editor

    • description: share a url with other ppl to hack code together